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Mousefur growled to herself as she saw Longtail with Cinderpelt. Their eyes twinkled with love as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Why couldn't Longtail love me and not her?" She muttered to herself.

The small dusky brown she-cat watched as Cinderpelt purred when Longtail rubbed his cheek against hers.

'If only she hadn't arrived in camp and maybe Longtail would love her instead of that kittypet.' Mousefur hissed in her mind.

Longtail entwined his tail with the smokey gray-and-white she-cat's and they exited the camp.

Mousefur hissed in frustration and jealousy. She stomped her way out of camp and followed them in the shadows. She followed them to see them laying down together, Longtail licked her ear and purred.

"I will love you no matter what." He purred.

Mousefur felt tears form in her eyes as she heard him say those words. She had wished he had said them to her. She sadly padded back to camp, not wanting a mate anymore.

"I can never trust him again, or any tom." She sobbed to herself.


Hey guys!!!!!

Sorry I haven't been updating my books in a LONG time, just been busy.

Anyway, sorry that this chapter was short. Couldn't figure out what to do. And I'm past my bedtime.

Which is like 10:00, or something.

Hope you guys have been reading my other books!

Till next time...

May StarClan light your path!


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