Ivypool & Hawkfrost

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Request: @HawkFrostxIvypool

Hawkfrost watched as Ivypool walked up to him purring. Ever since he had chosen to go to StarClan everything seemed a lot better. The survivors of the Great Battle had called him a traitor to the Dark Forest, but he didn't care. All he wanted to do was be with his true love.

"Hi!" Ivypool purred happily.

"Hey, anything new?" He purred.

The she-cat's blue eyes sparkled with joy and love. Her paws twitched excitedly as she pressed her nose to his.

"I have to tell you something . . ." She began. "I'm . . . expecting your kits!"

Hawkfrost purred and rubbed his cheek to hers. I'm going to be a father! He licked her muzzle and felt his heart full of love.

"I love you forever, remember that." The dark brown tabby murmured.

"I will never forget." Ivypool vowed.

She giggled and they laid down in their den. Hawkfrost curled around her, nuzzling her soft fur as sleep over took her. Soon sleep claimed him and they slept soundly together.


Hey guys!!!!!!

Hope you liked it!!!! I know it's short but I hope it pleases you @HawkFrostxIvypool. I'm still working on the other request you gave me so don't expect it to be published today.

Till next time . . .

May StarClan light your path! :)

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