Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves

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This is for @Star-Wolf
Hollyleaf slowly opened her green eyes to see a Fallen Leaves curled up next to her. His sleek ginger-and-white pelt brushing against her black one. She smiled knowing that he cared about her. She had grown feelings for the tom as she stayed in the tunnels.

"I hope he loves me as much as I love him." Hollyleaf murmured.

"I do love you." She heard a voice purr.
Hollyleaf noticed that he was looking at her with beautiful green eyes. He sat up and licked her cheek with a purr. She blushed and looked away. Fallen Leaves nuzzled her fur and she purred softly.

"I really do love you." He whispered in her ear.

"Y-you do?" Hollyleaf stammered.

He nodded and entwined his tail with hers. Hollyleaf smiled with joy and playfully pounced on him, pinning him down. Fallen Leaves purred with amusement and licked her forehead.

"I love you more!" She purred.

He growled playfully and gently pushed her off and towered of her. Hollyleaf was on her back and gently battered her paw on his face.

"I'm the one who will love you forever!" He declared.

Fallen Leaves leaned down and rasped his tongue over her muzzle. She purred and licked his cheek. He crouched down next to her and she curled up next to him. He groomed her black pelt and she buried her face into his chest fur.

"I love you." She purred.

"I love you too." He purred.

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