Dawnflower & Brambleclaw

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Dawnflower was curled up sleeping in her nest, in the warriors' den. She felt something nuzzle her ear, she grunted and flicked her ear trying to get some sleep.

"Come on, Dawnflower! Firestar just left for the Gathering with the patrol!" She heard a cat yowl.

Dawnflower quickly shot her head up, her pale tabby fur fluffed out, and her blue eyes wide like the moon. She saw Branbleclaw twitching his whiskers amusingly at a tuft of fur sticking out on top of her head.

He licked the top of her head and Dawnflower sighed as he smiled at her.

"Don't ever do that again!" Dawnflower meowed. She didn't want to miss going to the Gathering as a warrior.

She sat up and licked her white front paw. She puffed out her white chest as he laughed at her. Brambleclaw licked her ears while purring in amusement. Dawnflower yawned and shook her pelt.

"It's sunhigh, the Gathering is not until like moonhigh." Brambleclaw meowed. He sat next her and their pelts brushed.

Dawnflower had gone on the moonhigh patrol, dawn patrol, and once she returned from the dawn patrol she couldn't sleep so she hunted during sunrise. Dawnflower had offered to go on a hunting patrol and had not returned until recently. She had been exhausted and wanted to sleep in.

She yawned again and leaned on his shoulder, closing her tired blue eyes. Dawnflower felt him entwine his tail with hers as he purred. Brambleclaw nudged her with his muzzle, making her slowly open her eyes and look into his sparkling amber eyes.

"If your going to sleep, you might as well lay down in your nest." He murmured.

Dawnflower laid down in her nest with Brambleclaw next to her. She buried her face into his dark brown tabby fur feeling him lay his head on hers.

She was about to fall into a deep sleep when he murmured, "I love you." Dawnflower buried her face deeper into his fur, love blossoming like a flower.


This is a different Dawnflower. She is one of my OCs not the one from RiverClan. This is just my little story.

Till next time . . .

May StarClan light your path! :)

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