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She was hurt badly.

She couldn't do anything since she was defenseless.

All she could do was weakly run away.

Her village was attacked and she couldn't do anything.

She was useless.

Lolita, the elf, cried because she knew that she was useless. She couldn't defend her own hometown and here she was, just running away like a coward she is.

After running for a long time, her legs finally gave up and leaned on the tree that was in front of her.

Her legs were sore, head is bleeding, shoulders are slumped with few cuts and arms that had a lot of scratches from her house while it was falling apart.

She was in a part of forest that she didn't know.

Seeing her hometown being attacked probably traumatized her a lot.

Her wounds' colors were a little bit purple with red and she couldn't careless.

She hoped to die for she was the most useless elf in the whole world.

As she was about to grab a very sharp stick and commit suicide, a man, that is human, passed by and found her.

"Shit!" The man cursed because Lolita looked like she was about to die.

"Okay I know this is weird and awkward but I'm gonna have to carry you and take you to my town/city in order to heal you." The man said really quickly while panicking.

"Umm... You're na-"

"The name's Rooney and we haVE TO GO." The man instantly carried Lolita without any trouble. "Damn you light!"

Lolita knew that and didn't reply to him.

Rooney carefully put her in his car, that's doesn't look so flashy, and in a position where it doesn't hurt Lolita that much.

Though it was a bumpy ride, Lolita endured the pain and did her best to not lose consciousness.

The surroundings changed to a mechanical one which surprised her.

Everything that she saw was so... New to her.

She then saw a sign that says-

Eruditio City

The sign was in a weird glass and Lolita didn't know what that thing was.

Her eyes were getting heavy by every minute but still tried to stay awake.

Rooney stopped to a huge building that was made with glasses, to Lolita's perspective that is.

Its actually just the outer layer and in the inside was cemented. The building is also not huge.

Rooney then immediately and carefully grabbed Lolita's small body and went in the building.

He hurriedly told a nurse about Lolita's condition and the nurse panicked with Rooney.

Lolita mentally laughed at Rooney's behavior and personality.

As Lolita finally closed her eyes, she was being put on a small bed and Rooney just kept on saying positive stuff.

Lolita felt like her heart was beating slowly but she stayed determined because she didn't want to waste Rooney's "actions".

He did so much for her but only to die.

Lolita smiled weakly at Rooney and said something that he didn't want to hear from a person or elf dying.

"I-I'm sorry."


Oh hey peeps its me, the author themselves.

I haven't updated for awhile and I'm BC with school and exams. Just like everyone else. Lol

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