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"So i've been in the vehicle for so long." Angela said as her head lowered down. Diggie was sad. He could tell that Dr. Baker's Creation didn't function for a long time until now.

"What do I do now? I have no reason to live if my creator is dead." Angela said and stared at Diggie.

"Huh?? Dr. Baker created you! Just because he is dead doesn't mean that you'll die too. Do you want to waste his precious creation?" The bird said, getting closer to angela every word.

"Me? Precious?"

"Isn't that why he created you? He loves all the things he created. Every life is precious."

"And I have life.." She muttered and put her hand over her mechanical heart. That doesn't seem to make sense but whatever.

"Diggie.. May I assist to your adventurous journey? My goal now is to learn about the world and make alot of connections with strange beings." This surprised Diggie.

The cute bird awkwardly laughed at her. "You mean making friends right?"


The bush rustled beside them.

Diggie's heart was practically racing fast. His heartbeat pounding so hard.

The creature that hid, now showed up. It was a werewolf with a huge scare on its chest. A male.

"Angela, RUN!" Diggie yelled as they went to a random direction. The werewolf chased the both of them non-stop.

Diggie was getting tired and Angela wasn't because stamina doesn't exist in her body parts. She carried Diggie and both of them knew that the werewolf has been chasing the both of them for a long time.

The forest changed and they realized that they went out to the Land of dawn. The werewolf was gaining and almost clawed Angela's back. To get away from the werewolf, Angela needed to possess a living being somewhere near.

She powered up her arm and threw Diggie far away.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAA" He screamed as his voice faded away.

She decided to possess Diggie because he can fly but her quick spell was ruined by the werewolf.

Who knows how far Angela threw Diggie.

He clawed his terrible claws through her and destroyed some of her insides. The werewolf sniffed and realized there was no blood nor flesh. He scoffed and ran away from the broken body.

Days passed and weeds started to grow inside her because of the dirt. She looked at the orange sunset and thought of Diggie. Was he okay? Any injuries perhaps? She doesn't know but those kind of questions kept of bothering her.

"Alu! We are sooo lost." A girly voice said.


"Sorry this forest is too big and I'm not familiar with it yet, princess."

Ah. Common teasing. Maybe Lovers.

"Stop with that nickname!! I am a huntress, not a princess!"


Their chattering died down when they saw Angela. Both of them rushed to her and bended their knees down.


The girl jumped a little bit.

"Dr. Rooney."

The girl widened her eyes. "H-Hey. This thing that looks female said Dr. Rooney."

"Maybe it wants us to send itself to him?"

They both looked down and through her eyes. Angela's eyes were wide open. It was very creepy but the two didn't mind because they've seen worse.

"My name is Ruby."

Alucard deadpanned at her.

"Wowww you casually introduced yourself to her but didn't when we both met." Alu said.

"She looks cute so she's harmless." Ruby smiled at Angela as flowers appeared behind her. Alucard became flustered and hid it behind his poker face.

Poker face is important. A magician thought that.

He thought in his mind. Alucard met a magician when he was a kid. The magician motivated him to become a demon hunter. He once said that it is inportant to hide the inner emotions. That is what he is doing right now.

"She is somehow straight forward to others but not me. My name's Alucard." He said with a sigh followed.

Angela blinked and Ruby stared to her doll eyes, it was so fascinating for her that she was amazed by it.

"Woahh." Her eyes shone with diamond sparkles. Like in 2d animations.

"And sometimes a child." Tease.

She pouted and flickered her finger to Alucard's shoulder. "Meanie."

Angela was going to enjoy their conversation.


Mmmm yes. Angela now. Later Hanabi eating grasses.

Wink wonk

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