Monster within (part 2)

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I was all by myself. No one to help me.

No one to lean on.

It was still dark. I could sense someone or something coming at me.

I tried to hover threw the wall but for some reason my powers weren't working.

I tried to cast a shadow spell. But that didn't work.

I couldn't see anything. I ran outside but it started to storm. Lightning hit everywhere.

I guess a giant metal building on a small island attracts a lot of lightning.

Trees, grass, flowers, all on fire. What was happening? This never happened before with the other storms.

I ran back inside into the dark. Alone with the monster.

I went back upstairs and sat on the couch. The light from the fire outside gave me some vision. But it was still pretty dark.

There were a lot of shadows.

The shadow from the TV started to grow.

It was clawing after me. I pulled my feet up. Like that was going to help.

It didn't.

the shadow grabbed my leg. I started to heave me away.

But to where?

Everyone was dragged somewhere. But where. They just vanished basically. It was lit up here.

There were no dark places to take me.

But everything went black.

It was pitch black. I was floating. I couldn't see at all; I was in some kind of void. but I still had a sense of being here.


I had some time to think. Where could I be?

The monster was dragging everyone off somewhere. But how come I was by myself.

Wouldn't it take me somewhere where else? To where they were?

A light peered. I went towards it. I had no idea what I was doing. But if it was a way out, I would take it.

When I crossed threw, I was home. But at the same time, I didn't feel like home.

Suddenly I passed through myself. Like a past me. I was like a ghost. No one seemed to notice me.

I saw myself getting a team like I do in the mornings. Then Gar came in.

When was this?

I tried to be sleek. But nothing came out.

I remember this. This was not too long ago before the Judas Contract.

It was just a normal day.

A little light no bigger than the size of a ping pong ball appeared.

I looked closely and it was like a tiny thing. It looked like a little chewed up ball of gum with arms and legs floating in midair.

It gestured to follow it.

I was already in this weird place so I just went for it.

The room around me moved but I didn't.

The room stopped moving. I was in the game room.

Gar, Jamie, Tarra, and Damian were all there.

Damian was leaned up against the wall. Jamie and Gar were playing pool, and Tara was sitting on the couch on her phone.

"Tells me why is Raven even here?" Asked Tara.

"She is here because she is here." Answered Damian cold as usual.

"Why are you showing me this? I asked? But the little light person didn't must have been in my head.

"What is she showing me this?" I said again to myself.

"I quote star fire. 'We needed help.' " Damian continued.

"I agree with Tara," said Jamie. "Is she even our friend?"

"We share personal stuff with her, but she doesn't even tell us anything about her. "

This was now mostly a conversation between Tarra and Jamie.

They turned to Damian like they were expecting him to say something.

He just turned his head. "There were no flies on her."

"You see." Said Tarra. "We don't know anything about her."

By this point it looked as though Tara was trying to divide the house.

A house divided cannot stand.

But I really had no way of telling what time this conversation went down.

I don't know how far in time I went, I guess that's what you would call this whole thing.

"It's just..." Damian paused. "she has proven herself loyal."

This seemed to shock everyone.

"But she puts up barriers. She won't let us in." Tara was easing her voice.

"Barriers were meant to be broken." Though seas the first time Beast Boy spoke in all of this.

"It would be easy if she would actually try get more involved." Jamie Amid his cue stick at the white ball.

"This army is easy in the real world." Said Damian.

"But it's just so frustrating. You never know what she thinks and the way she glares all the time Luke she's jugging us." Tara got a text on her phone.

"Instead of complaining about it just try to get to know her, before you add to the problem." With that Damian left.

"Raven isn't the only person who puts up Barriers." Said Jamie.

"So, you know why I showed you this?" Came a voice.

The yellow light turned to me.

"No" I could talk again!!

"Because. This is how people see you."

I don't get it.

"Do you know what I am?"


"I am your hope."

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