Finale (part 2)

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I tried finding Damian again but I got the same results. Nothing.

If anyone hurt Damian I will personally be their pultragist and add their soul to my collection.

Most people don't give much thought but every shadow spell I use is the souls of someone or something that died.

It's one of the perks of being a fisheye of satin.


"Where the Hell were you?!" I confronted Raven when she returned.

"This isn't the time."

"It's never time!"

"Stop picking fights and just do your job."

She looked behind me and saw that I had nothing.

I put them in the bed but I don't know how to take care of anyone. What was I supposed to do?

He walked past me and sat next to Beast boy and started healing him.

Again I was left out.

I guess living with Slade I was really pampered.

I never had to do anything. We always had servants and junk to do everything.

But now I had to work. There is a thing where each person does the dishes or cooks and usually Beast boy offers to help me.

I have never really worked before.

I don't know how to do anything but be angry. I can't even take care of myself.

Street wise yes but in the pampered life of being a hero I wasn't cut out for this.


I was awake for about a few seconds. It was cold and I couldn't breath. I was in water. Cold water.

I looked straight ahead to see that hore of a mother, Talia.

The sight reminded me of something I had seen before. Something long before. Like when I was a baby.

Then I couldn't remember much. My memories were fading.

Suddenly something like a slideshow ran through my mind. Oddly it was about the teen Titans, Raven.

The last thing I saw was Raven smiling at me when she cracked a joke about who was taking out the trash when Starfire kicked..... someone's ass.

Then again... wait.... wasn't Trigon who took over the world and... Raven.... raven... "Raven?"

I didn't realize that I said that out loud. I could see the air bubbles rising to the surface.

I looked up. It was too far up and I am too cold to go on.

I let the pressure of everything consume me. The coldness of the world crushing domes on me.

I just gave up. And the farce ness closed in.


I felt a little shudder up my spine. And a link that I had or used to have with Damian snapped.

It's not a link that is firmly there; it's more of like a feeling of a single strand of string.


"dead man."

"What up Star! Why the serious face? It's almost the day of the dead!"

"No and I have something to ask of you. "

"You know my rule. A soul for a wish."

I thought it over and over and then some more.

Dick is my everything. I will do anything to save him.

"Do you want to save your dead friend or not?"

He knew what I wanted and I knew what he wanted but it was hard to far the fact.

"What's this? You Carry another life with you?"

I put my hand to my stomach. I had to do this.

"I will give you my soul."

"Ok, just an exception. I only want one soul. So I will slow you to live till your offspring is born. But after that your mine. "

I looked done at Dick and knew this is what I wanted.

"Do it." I said firmly.

If I was going to do this I was not going to have any regrets.

I left some notes for the team to read after I'm gone.

Only raven and I know this. I had her look into my future after Damian went missing. I knew this was going to happen.

But that fact had happened so quickly.

"Ok. Madam." He held out his hand for me to take.

I took a deep breath and looked down at my stomach, put my hand on it and looked back at dick.

I thought to myself.

"Thank you Dick. You helped me believe in something," then took his hand. "Love"

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