Monster with in (part 1)

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I can't believe it. How Gar would go through all this just to scar us.

"Hakha, Gar you got us." Raven said blandly.

Damian shook his head. "Beast boy isn't smart enough to figure out how to make all the lights in the tower go out. When I got close to you guys my flashlight stopped working. He had nothing to do with that. Something else is happening."

"That's true," I agreed. "Beast boy has nothing to do with this."

I turned to Dick for a response. But he was gone too.

This was starting to get a little too much for me.

"Just fix the lights," Jamie demanded.

"It would be easier if you would all just go away."

I heard a screen. It sounded like a girl. I looked to see if Raven or Starfire were still here.

They were.

With that it was too late, Jamie was gone. He was pulled away into the darkness.

We all started to huddle together around Damian. He was the only one who had a grasp on things.

We were up against the wall. Damian was doing something with the power box.

"Guys I know what's going on." Damian said.

Suddenly something with black hands grabbed at Damian.

It was like something out of a horror movie.

It was pulling him into the wall.

Raven, Starfire, and I grabbed onto him pulling him back.

"Guys it's...." but Damian was pulled into the wall.

We were left. Only three.

"Does anyone know what he was going to say?" star fire asked.

I hate Damian. He is always keeping to himself until the very last minute. This time he was too late.

It was too late for all of us.

"Maybe if we go around and say what we are afraid of this will all go away?" Star fire was always like this.

Let's all hold hands and sing a song while we're at it. Maybe the monster will join us and give us back our... friends.

"I am scared of my home planet." Starfire went first. "I know the power my people have. And we are all not good. Some have mal intents. I have been away for so long I am afraid to see what has happened."

She looked at me.

"I am scared of the future." She paused.

We are really doing this. I count help but give off a little chuckle. This is not how I expected to spend my last few minutes alive.

Raven gave me this look. Like she was actually going to admit anything.

"Raven?" Starfire looked at her.

"I am afraid of nothing. "

Suddenly A scream broke and Starfire was pulled into the darkness.

I got up and practically talked to her in my nicest voice.

"That's it!" I was on top of here now. "I have had enough. You don't get to go around hiding your feelings anymore! You have a rough past. So, did I! So, did everyone here!"

I was yelling at her here now.

"You don't know what I have been thrown!" She yelled back.

"Yes! I! Do! You aren't alone in this. You said it yourself. You can see the sightings of others. So, stop acting like you're wounded or something! Stop putting up barriers!"

I stopped. I didn't realize it till now but I had my hands on her neck and was choking her.

I let go and stepped back.

"This isn't an act." She said rubbing her neck.

Suddenly something grabbed me and was pulling me away.

I herald rocks behind me into the darkness.

I reached out for Raven to help me.

But she just stood up and watched me get dragged into the dark. Then everything went black.

She left me to die basically. What's the point of the inevitable future of death?

Why do people trust when it just gets broken?

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