Thanksgiving feast

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It was a thanksgiving at the tower and my parents were coming down to visit.

This was going to be awkward because my dad doesn't like to scarab, and the scarab didn't like my dad.

I had to find a way to get through the night without the scarab trying to shoot my dad's head off.


It is just time for dinner when we are supposed to be 'giving thanks'. Blah.

Scrooge is to Christmas as I am to Thanksgiving.

I hate the whole idea of it. Basically, you sit around a table full of food and stuff yourself.

That would just make us fat and plum not ready for when someone will attack.

This would be the most opportune moment for Slade or anyone to strike.

Everyone else can get fat but I am not.

I saw Raven and Starfire talking. These days everyone is keeping secrets. This is not very effective.

A house divided can't stand it all.

I am going to illuminate that.

I hacked into the security system and looked at all the footage. Good thing it had volume because it was just talking the whole time.

Raven wanted to make a surprise party for Tara and Tara isn't sure if she should stay. And the best boy wants to get together with Tara. Jamie. Jamie, his problem is worth not sharing.

That's something totally his alone.

The tower alarm went off. I got up and rushed to the main computer.

Jamie came bursting in. "No worries. It's my parents.

Raven came up next to me. She was wearing her uniform. "looked like someone is aching for a fight."

" I am just being prepared for anything."

"No dip. You brought your sword." Best boy cut in.

Best boy had on an orange button up shirt, with black jeans and black shoes.

"What is this Halloween? "I pointed at his shirt.

"It's orange for the thanksgiving. Also, for the browns. What are you a Steelers fan?"

"Who are the Steelers?" I seriously didn't know.

"Really. You wear their colors like every day."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I wear my uniform. "

"Yeah. Your cape is yellow and black. Those are the Steelers colors."

"Whatever." I headed back to my room to review some of the security footage. When Starfire stopped me.

"You are not leaving unless you are changing to something else for the party."

I just kept on walking.

In the hallway I ran into Tara. We both exchanged a glare and went on our ways.

I came back in a hoodie and black jeans. There were a lot of people in the tower.

Jamie's parents, dick, some of Garfield's family, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Barbara, and Jason Todd.

I was surprised cyborg wasn't here. You would think the Justice league didn't have a kids table. Let alone a party.

We all sat at the table set up in the middle of the room. It was full of food and junk like flowers in cornucopias.

"This is stupid" I mumbled.

But dick must have heard me because he gave me the stink eye.

Starfire stood upon "now let's go around and say what we are thankful for before we eat. Let's start with dick and go around. "

If dick was going first then I was next. Crap. I had to think of something fast.

"I am thankful for StarFire."

All eyes were on me now.

I thought about all that had happened so for being forced to the Teen Titans and all.

There was only one person here who got what I went through, mostly. That person didn't run or stay away from me when they found out all the bad things that happened to me.

With my attitude and skills to take out everyone here that person, you could say, helped me.

That person has earned my trust.


This came as a shock to everyone. A couple gasps went around. Raven turned her head and I think she was blushing.

All eyes were still in me.


"Raven?!" Garfield was the most surprised by this with his reaction of all.

"Do you want to explain yourself?" Starfire asked.

"Can someone else just go I am starving." I crossed my arms, leaned back in my chair and turned my head.

It was raven's turn. "I am thankful for.... "she glanced at me then back at everyone else. "The team."

For everybody else it was family, each other, being loved, all that junk.

It was Tara's turn and then we could eat.

"I am thankful for second chances."

This was a shock for me but not for anyone else.

I raised my eyebrow and glanced over at her. She stared me right in the eyes.

"Thank you, Damian, for giving me a second chance. All of you."

I scoffed lightly and avoided eye contact.

This is part of her plan. Act all innocent. Act like she's wounded. But really, she is still working with Slade.

"Ok let's eat." Announced Starfire.

Dick reached over and put his hand on my head and smiled down at me.

I shoved his arm off and was ready to break it.


Thanksgiving was ok. The entertainment was fun the watch.

Watching everyone get food was like watching resealing. Especially the Gotham Knights people.

Jason had Damian in a head lock and Damian had a knife in his hand, trying to stab Jason.

Dick was holding Damian's arm back and Tim was holding Damian down. Damian was kicking at Tim and Stephany was trying to get Jason to let go of Damian.

I think they were fighting to get in line for food and Jason cut in front of Damian. I think that's how this all happened.

But the parents just watched this. "Oh, young kids today. "quote gar's parents.

But for me this was pretty normal.

Tara and I just went around them and got our food and went back to our seats.

A red light flashed and suddenly the alarm went off.

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