Who side?

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Beast boy

The guard guy was like wha?? And I was like barh... then he was like bam. And I was all like boom!!

Then I was thrown against the wall and was out.


Bret was able to break right through the glass and blasted everyone.

When I opened my eyes I got a good look at him. Brad had red eyes.

I didn't understand it. They were solid red. Like a demon. But the scarab was an Alien.

I used my magic to possess a cabinet full of syringes. I noticed that one of the containers was missing.

But I had to focus on the task at hand. I Aimed at Bret.

Bret saw this and just collapsed to the floor. He had his hands over his head saying.

"Don't hurt me."

Why would he say that?

But it was too late to unscathed my spell.I couldn't do anything but watch.

Out of nowhere Damian came back! He used his sword to block most of the Needles.

But some got thrown. They cut his face. And arm.

I went up to go heal him but he just shook me off.

"I'm fine." He said

I got a good look. He didn't even have a scratch. I saw blood drawn. It was on the floor and the rip in his uniform.

But where was the cut?


I can't believe Damian has never shown his face to the team again.

After what he did. He's lucky that I haven't in case Dhiman rock and something to the center of the earth die.

It's one thing to attack one person. But to attack the whole team. That was unforgivable.

But he saved our attacker. Gar was still out.

Who's side is he really on?

"I don't have much time but take this. He handed Dick something, I couldn't see.

It will hall get the..." a voice echoed in the hall.

"Damian!" The voice repeated. It sounded familiar. I have Heard it before.

The man rounded the corner and I couldn't believe my eyes.

He was really still alive!

This feeling. I have never had it before. But then again I haven't really experienced much feeling before.

Emotions are still new to me.

"Tara!?" He said. I looked around as if there was someone else named Tara he was directing at.

But it was me.

Everyone one else was almost as stunned as me. But I was the one who had the greatest sock.

Slade was still here.

But his attention was on damin. "The other you is going to be pissed at both of us." He went to grab Damian but he dodged.

Then he went for the other guy.

"Bret! I knew you would chicken out!"

I can't help but laugh. It was like he was a mother babysitting two kids. Chasing them around. Scolding them.

Compared to my new life he was a wreck.

He glared at me." What's so funny?!"he demanded.

But I just kept on laughing. He eased his hand ready to hit me.

This just got serious. Before Slade had beaten me. I still have the scars.

His hand came down. But I didn't feel a thing. I opened my eyes. I was in Damian's arms.

It was like time had stopped. And everything was moving in slow motion.

I was shocked. I would think Gar should save me. But it was Damin.

I looked over behind me. Gar was still unconscious.

Something stopped on my face. For a second I thought it was a tear. But then I thought. Why would Damian be crying?

I touched the spot where the liquid dropped. I looked at my fingertip. I had blood.

But this blood looked different. It had a hint of green to it.

Damin had his head down. I reached my hand and ran my fingers through his hair.

Damin looked as shocked as I was. By body just reacted.

To be clear I wasn't doing it in an affectionate way. I was just feeling where the wound was.

But there was nothing.

I gaze fell on Slade who was right behind us. I got a good look at his glove. It had a bunch of tiny spikes on it.

If I was hit with that it would have been out cold.

So how was Damian his standing from a blow like that?

"I always knew Damian was hard headed but this is just crazy" Dick said.

Raven elbowed him, reminding him of the fight.

Dick drew his sticks or whatever you call the thing he fights with.

But Damian put me down and kicked Dick back changing direction and tackling Slade. And they crashed through a window.

We all gathered at the broken glass looking down. Watching as Damian and Slade fall to their death. (You could say)

I know we were all thinking the same question. Who's side is Damian on?


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