1 | Not For Long

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“He's going to break your heart, Belle. Just like Todd did to me,” My best friend, Madeline Higgins, said sadly during our lunch together at my family's Italian restaurant.

"Maddy, not every guy are the same." I tell her quietly.

"All guys are the same, why can't you understand that? Adrian is going to break your heart. Once a player, always a player."

     How do you explain things without hurting someone's feelings?

I wipe my mouth with a napkin when I started to lose my appetite. I just never understand why Maddy have to talk about my husband all the time. She's so persistent on getting me to break up because I might end up heartbroken.

"Maddy, just because Todd cheated on you doesn't mean Adrian's going to do the same. Things happen for a reason, maybe you and Todd didn't work out because you just weren't meant to be." I explain slowly and she frowns at me. She drops her fork abruptly and gets up.

"You'll get hurt, and when you do, remember that I warned you. I'm off to London. See you soon." She smirked evilly before walking off, swaying her hips, making singles and married men look at her.

I blow out a breath before asking for the bill.



      I park my white Lamborghini in front of the Caville Manor as my very handsome husband walks out of the manor. I get out just when he reached me with open arms.

"And how was your day, beautiful?" Adrian asked curiously as he pulled me in for a hug like we do everyday.

"Tiring." I groan and he puts his arm over my shoulder as we head inside our home.

"I missed you today," He said when we reached the kitchen and I open the fridge, taking out a bottle of orange juice.

   I look up to see Adrian smiling.

Adrian Matthew Caville is my husband. He has soft dark brown hair and light skin with hazel eyes. I never expected to fall in love with a player like him. We managed to stick together during hard times. We get hurt, sad, and all that shit, but we're still here. Together. And married.

I place the bottle on the counter  before slowly walking to him with a smile on my face. "I missed you too." I stand on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss. "But I'm going to miss you to death when you leave for London tomorrow afternoon."

My love's going to London to take care of business matters and that means we'll be apart for a while.

I hate long distance relationships, but he'll be back once its dealt with.

"You can always come with me," He murmured into my neck.

I pull away from him, staring into his eyes. "Its fine, my beast. Besides, I have to take care of our business here as well."

I go to the counter, pouring myself some juice. I start drinking the liquid when Adrian comes behind me, putting his hands on both sides of me on the counter so I couldn't get out.

"You sure you don't want to come and keep close eye on me in case I cheat?" He asked jokingly and my eyes went wide at what he said before I relax, calming myself.

Once a player, always a player. Maddy's words echoed in my mind. I get rid of it, thinking positive.

I married him and I vowed to love him during sickness and in health, or his worst. And as a wife, you have to trust. Same goes for the husband. We both vowed to be faithful towards eachother. And I trust he wouldn't hurt me or be unfaithful. We got hurt during his bachelor days, we don't want hurt in our hearts again.

"You won't. I trust you and I know you wouldn't hurt me." I said, turning to face him. Our bodies and faces so close to each others.

"I'm lucky and blessed to have you as my wife." He said, looking at me with so much love and admiration.

I smile,"Very lucky." After those words left my mouth, I poured the remaining juice in my glass over his head, making him move away and I run off into the living room, laughing so hard.

     After so much chasing, I was out of breath. Adrian pushed me back on the couch and I was out of breath, I just lay under him. He makes sure not to put too much of his weight on me. He looks at my lips then my bright blue ones, saying,"I love you, Aribelle Caville."

"I love you too, Adrian Caville." I say back and then his lips met mine passionately.

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