6 | Not For Long

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"You should go back home, Aribelle." Joshua, a new friend I made when I came to live here in Jamaica two weeks ago, said, laying beside me on his beach bed.

He's from Philippines. He has straight jet black hair and brown eyes and fair skin.

"I don't want to. I want to stay here with you." I mutter.

We were at a resort and omg, it's beautiful here. Peaceful.

"Me too, but we both know you and I will be separating soon. I need to go back home in Manila." He said. "And besides, they must already know where you are."

     I jump up and face him. He smiles at me and I give him a small smile in return. He's a really good friend. He listened to my ranting and comforted me when I was in a vulnerable state.

But he never tried to fix me. Says it's Adrian's job to do so. I scoffed when he said that. Adrian's job was breaking me and he did a great job because look at me! I'm a mess.

    Surprisingly, I listened to Josh. I left Jamaica the next morning and went home where many people are waiting for me. Probably worried sick.

But one things for sure: I will have my lawyer prepare the divorce papers.

Because I'm going to divorce.


       After explaining myself to Pipa and Mima, they hugged me so tight I felt like crying again. I didn't want to face everyone else. Because they were true all along.

    I sat in the living room of the manor, casually flipping over a magazine. I had just called my lawyer and told her everything and to prepare the divorce papers.

I heard tires screeching outside before a worried looking Adrian comes through the door and I stand up, ready to walk away, but he was fast and hugged me as if he didn't hurt me back in London.

I don't hug him back as he said,"God, Belle! I was worried about you. What happened? Where did you go?"

I pull myself away from him and saw hurt flash through his eyes.

"What's going on, Belle?" He asked.

I roll my eyes at him, angry that he's playing the innocent game. I shoved him, but he didn't even move. Wow.

"You dirty cheater!" I spat at him and he looks at me in confusion.

"Belle-" I cut him off with another shove.

"You bastard! You cheated on me!" I hit him in the chest angrily but then he grabbed both my wrists.

"I don't understand, Belle!"

"You cheated on me, Adrian! O my god, you cheated on me. You had sex with a girl in your office back in London. I saw it! Why are you pretending that you didn't!?" I sobbed. Shit. I thought I finished all the crying back in Jamaica.

"Belle, I never had sex with anyone. Believe me!"

"I believe what I saw! You cheated." I laugh bitterly, walking away but he spun me around.

"Belle, trust me. I would never do that to you."

"Ugh, stop f*cking lying!" I snap at him. "I'm filing divorce, be ready for that. Adrian."


"She could have Caville Manor and Pearl Resort, and half of my money in the bank." Adrian told his lawyer-Gage Baldwin.

"I don't want the resort or your money, Adrian. I just want Caville Manor." I said sternly.

"I don't care, you're going to have all three." He said sternly as well.

We were going to divorce today. After arguing about the things I'd own after this divorce, it was time to sign the papers.

"Sign here and sign here." Lena, my lawyer,  showed me and I take out my pen to put down my signature on my copy and Adrian's copy.

I could feel his heated gaze on me, but I went ahead and signed both papers.

Adrian had tried to change my mind for two weeks, but I never did. I didn't want to be seeing him again after what he did.

After we both signed, I get up with my paper in hand. Adrian stands up, looking at me with cold eyes. He's mad at me.

"Hope you're happy." I say to him.

"Isn't that something I should be telling you?" He asked with narrowed eyes.

Oh those eyes that I fell in love with. Those eyes that make me happy and smile whenever I see them. Those eyes I secretly liked when we hated eachother.

"Oh, I'm happy, Adrian. Thank you for signing." I hold up the paper with a smile, although inside, I'm hurting so much. Because I still love him.

"I hope this is the last time we meet. Bye, Mr. Caville." I wave before walking off with my lawyer.


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