15 | Not For Long

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           1 MONTH LATER

         You know what's good about being bald? You don't have to spend 45 minutes putting products in your hair and all.

       I could just put on this cute wig I bought. I put it on and look at myself in the mirror.

       So I found out I have cancer. Watching my hair fall off was not nice to see. But if I fight this cancer, my hair might just grow back again.

       I found Adrian sitting on the couch in the living room. We've started dating again, but we don't know yet about getting married again.

You know honestly I don't know why he still sticks around with me?

I mean, I'm bald and skinny now.
He could have any girl he wants. And yet, he's with a girl with cancer.

"I got you something." He said, coming over to me.

We were going to Mima's birthday party together. Mom's going to lash out. She clearly doesn't like Adrian even if she already knows about the Maddy problem.

Adrian reached into his pocket and took out a necklace. It was cute.

It was a necklace with a cursive C with diamonds in it.

"It stands for-" Adrian began but I cut him off.

"Cancer?" I said jokingly.

He looks at me as if I'm crazy. "Aribelle, what is wrong with you?"

I laugh. "I'm kidding."

"It stands for Claires and Caville. Watch." He pulls the C apart to reveal another C. He lets the other go and it sticks to the other C like magnets.

He puts it around my neck and I smile. "Thank you. Its beautiful."


Is that Belle?

Ew, she looks ugly now.


Poor Adrian.

Why can't he dump her and hook up with me?

Having enough of those, I excuse myself from the party and went into Mima's treehouse.

Of course, Adrian followed.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked, walking up the stairs where I sat.

"Adrian, why are you still here with me? I'm ugly." I said.

He looks broken. "I love you, that's why. And you're not ugly. You're very beautiful in my eyes. Your beautiful both in and out. I-"

I cut him off my putting my hand on his face, chuckling,"Oh shut up." We laughed.




I can't do this anymore. Those words are hitting a spot. Being with Adrian makes me happy. But I don't want to make him look bad.

He leans in to kiss me, but I move away.

He follows me and I walk backwards. I grab a ball and throw it at him but he dodges.

I throw books at him but he grabs them setting them down on his way to me. I pull out a chair in his way, but he steps over it and steps over to me. I had me against the wall. He leaned in but I push him off.

He grabs my wrist making me sit on the table. He kisses me and I felt him pull my wig off, making me insecure. I slap him across the cheek but he only looks back at me. He caresses my cheek.

"Stop. You look beautiful." He said truthfully. And then we began kissing.

I jump off the table and I saw him look at my boobs.

"Did you…just look at my boobs?" I ask.

"What? No." He lied, and not so discreetly looked at them again.


     From afar, I watch as Adrian walks side by side with a beautiful women whose name is well known- Britt. I still hate her but my hate won't stop me from thinking she looks better than me.

I look down at my hand. I held a plane ticket in my hand. I just need to leave again.

With hesitation, I turn around and started walking.

Bye Adrian!

Gosh, I hate myself.



I got these bunch of ideas from Kiss & Cry. I love that movie.


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