13 | Not For Long

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“LUKE!” I yell his name, waking him up. He was sleeping beside me on my bed in my hotel room.

And the acting starts!

He wakes up and finds me naked with the covers covering me as he was naked as well. He covered himself too.

I don't want to see anyway.

“Maddy?! How did I get here?!” He asked, horrified.

He's a married guy who own big companies in Boston. Lucas Chamberlain  is one of those CEOs who used to be manwhores. A friend of Todd and Adrian. They were the three best friends-players back in highschool.

“What are you doing in my room?! ” I ask even though I know. I had set this up. This is all my plan.

“Madeline, what did we do last night?” Lucas asked nervously when he sees me clutching the covers.

“What do you think?” I ask.

He looks around and saw our clothes lying around in my hotel room. This hotel belongs to him.

And his wife comes by a lot to help out.

“This can't be.” He said, looking at me. Wondering how he got here. Bringing him in my bed was easy. Just had to pay a guy to carry him in. And I just undressed him.

“You're going to leave me after you had it with me?!” I scream, sounding hurt when he moved.

“I-” He was cut off when we heard something crash to the floor. We look to my doorway and just like how I wanted- I saw Rosy stand there with a hurt expression and the coffee I wanted them to bring in for me spilled at her feet.

Before Lucas could say something, she ran out the door.

“O my god. ” Luke mumbled, running his hand through his hair.


      I was seated in my hotel room fully dressed. Luke had left already, leaving me here.

My phone rings and I check to see who was calling and was surprised to see Belle calling me.

Oh, great. What does she want?

“Hello.” I say when I pressed answer.

“Hey Madeline, get ready because I'm coming up to have a word with you.” With that, she hung up on me.

What the hell is she doing here in Massachusetts?


“Hey Luke!” I greet when I saw Adrian's best friend sitting on the couch in the hotel's lobby.

He looks up and gives me a small smile, standing up.

“Aribelle Caville, hello.” He greets unenthusiastically. He looks sad.

“Actually, it's Claires. Adrian and I divorced years ago. Didn't you know? ”

He shakes his head. “He never told me. We've been busy lately.”

“You look sad, what's wrong? ” I ask, concerned.

He sighs. “Rosy wants to divorce.”

My jaw drops. “Why? Don't tell me you cheated on her.”

“I didn't-I don't…know what happened. I woke up and Madeline was beside me naked. We both were. Rosy came in and saw.” He runs his hand through his hair.

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