5 | Not For Long

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Adrian never called that day and when I called him it goes directly to voicemail.

    The next morning, I was in a bad mood even though I constantly reminded myself he was busy.

I finally checked my phone, realizing I had a message from Maddy.

Last night was fun. 😉 And happy belated birthday, bestie. Lol.

I'm glad last night was fun for you? And thanks, where's my present? 😶😝

You'll see it soon. Ahaha. Later! 😬😂😂😂

     I cock a brow at her message before pushing out of my seat behind my desk. I stand up and look out of the window, watching the cars drive fast below. The Caville building is one of the tallest skyscrapers.

      I'm missing Adrian.

I came to a decision that I will go see him in London. If he's busy, I'll go help him out.

I notify my secretary about my sudden decision and headed home. I pack a few things since we have another home in London.

"Pipa, Mima, I'm going to see Adrian." I inform over the phone.
"Go take care of your man, girl!" They cheered and I chuckle.


I arrived in London, getting off the private jet I owned. A car was waiting for me and I make my way to it. The chauffer took me to COCC which means Caville's Ocean Care Company.

I am so jet lagged, but I want to see my husband.

"Mrs. Caville, I'm sorry, but Mr. Caville is not in right now. He had just went out with Ms. Higgins not a minute ago."

I tilt my head in confusion. Ms. Higgins?



     Adrian has no idea I'm here in London. I decided to go stay in our penthouse, he's probably living in the mansion.

      I take out my phone and texted Maddy: What are you doing ? 😊

      Almost instantaneously, I received: I heard from Adrian's secretary, you're in London. If you want your 'present', come to Adrian's office at 4:30 😉😂

      I stare at her text for a minute. I took a bath and brushed my teeth. I got dressed in a simple white dress and slipped my feet into a pair of black wedges. I blow dry my hair, put on light makeup, and I was good to go.

On the way there, I ponder on why I was getting my present in Adrian's office. And where is Adrian anyway? He hasn't contact me.

I was going early like always. He might be at his office.

I enter and saw my dear ol best friend. Not not Maddy. My other bestie from Mexico- Samilla Brady.

"Sam? Hey Sam." I smile widely as we hug eachother tightly.

Sam has black hair, brown eye, and nice tan skin.

"Belle, omg." She laughed then we pull apart. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see Maddy. You?"

"I came to drop off food for Miles my cousin and also trying to escape from that very handsome security guard." She tells me.

    She then left and I headed to the elevator. I made it to Adrian's floor, stepping off the elevator.

I notice there was no one around.
I decided to go wait in Adrian's office. I was on my way there when I heard noises coming from the closed office doors.

My heart beat quickened when I realize they were moans and groans. Before I knew it, I was already pushing the doors open.

And what I saw made my heart drop to the ground. I could feel it cracking. I suddenly couldn't breath because there on the desk was a girl. Her back towards me.

"Adrian, baby, that feels good." The girl moaned and my chest felt constricted. Behind her was a man, it was-

"Adrian," The girl whimpered and I turn away from them and headed back the way I came. Feeling so hurt and broken, not even ice cream or anything can make me feel better.

I don't dare shed a tear. I'm keeping them in for now as I headed back to the elevator. It opened and I saw Maddy stand there with a smile.

"Oh, Belle. You're early!" Maddy exclaimed excitedly but I couldn't find it in myself to smile back. "Did you find your present?"

I push her away and got into the elevator, not being able to breath. The elevator brought me down to the ground floor and I got out of there as fast as I could.


It was when I got on the jet plane that I started to cry.

Adrian cheated on me…

It hurt me so much to witness that, but it also hurt me to know that what my family said was true…what Madeline said was true. That he's a cheater and once a player, always a player.

I should never forget that its in his blood to be a manwhore.

A player.

A cheater.

A heartbreaker.

I just want to disappear from the world. I didn't want to face anyone back home so I flew to Jamaica.


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