3 | Not For Long

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"I thought Adrian's going to be back after one week?" Pipa or Joe asked as he sits beside me on the bench in Mima's beautiful garden where Adrian first proposed to me. It was the happiest moment of my life.

"Yeah well, depends on the problems." I answer, watching the water fountain. I remember back during Adrian's bachelor days when we hated eachother.


"Who hit my car, Belle? I know it wasn't you driving. Just tell me who drove that ugly ass mustang!" An angry Adrian roared after minutes of not telling him who actually hit his brand new car.

I couldn't tell him it was Maddy. She was drunk and accidentally crashed her mustang against Adrian's. I had quickly told her to run off before Adrian sees.

I decided to lie and say it was me.

"For a thousand times, Adrian. I was the driver." I lied.

"Why are you taking blame for something you obviously didn't do?" He queried angrily.

"I did crash into your car. You see me standing here. Just forget it, I'll pay for your car damage." I begun to say as I walked to the water fountain in Mima's garden.

He followed behind and spun me around. "I don't care about the car. I can always buy a new one. I just want the truth, Aribelle."

I started getting angry and when I do, I get really hot. My temper rising. I rumbled,"Adrian Matthew Caville. I am telling the truth here. I don't lie. I happened to be driving back from Starbucks and my drink spilled over my lap. I lost control and -" I was cut off when Adrian picked me up bridal style and walked over to the freezing water fountain. He dropped me in unexpectedly and I gaped at him when I reached the surface.

"What the actual fu-" Again, I was interrupted.

"Are you calm now?" He asked innocently I wanted to kill him. I only breathed heavily as I glared at him. He smirked,"When your ready, I'm going to sit on the bench, ready to hear the truth."

I hate him.


     This is probably stupid- but I'd like to think when a girl and a boy start off with hate, they end up with love. Those who get it hard when in love, in the end when they fight for love, everything is worth it. Some people who start of easy in a relationship would end of separating. But that's just my thinking.

When I met Adrian, I didn't expect or it never came to thought that I'd marry the handsome bachelor. I hated his guts and vice versa, but then we fell in love. It was hard to be together when people around us didn't think we'd last or we're not perfect together.

They still do. Except Pipa and Mima. My parents, especially mom, didn't like Adrian that much since he came from the Caville familia. The Caville men are known for being rebellious, cold, heartless. They are players. Some have been tamed, some not. I was lucky enough to tame Adrian. During our high school days, he was the player who'd get any girl he wanted. He's got the looks and money. He was a Greek god. Still is.

Most of his family members didn't like the idea of him settling down, but eventually they came to love and care for me as their own. Wish I could say the same for my family.

"Pipa, why can't…everyone accept the fact that I love Adrian and that we're meant to be?" I ask quietly. He sighs, pulling me closer and I lay my head on his chest as he pads my back.

"You don't need their acceptance, sweetie. It doesn't matter if they accept or not. What matters is if you both accept eachother. Everyone said a poor man like me don't deserve a rich woman like Mima. We didn't care, yet here we are." He said with a chuckle.

I said,"Did you ever cheat on Mima?"

"I love her so much I couldn't. She's mine." I laugh at his possessiveness. After a while, we ended up sitting in the living room where we waited patiently for our guest.

"Good day, pipa and Belle." Rhea greets us when she comes in. "I have someone I'd love for you to meet."

"Oh Cheerios, where's that boy you gush about all the time?" I say excitedly while Pipa makes a serious -i-can't-wait-to-kick-some-ass look. Rhea looks at and nods before a guy enters the living room, joining us.

"Good day, Joe…Belle." The guy greets politely.

"Oh, first name basis already?" Pipa asked seriously, but playfully.

    I suddenly received a text from Maddy. I excuse myself before heading into the kitchen to read it.


        Todd wants me back. Asshole only realizes what he's loosing after divorce. 😈😡

       I smile a bit, hands moving on the screen.

           Well, take him back. 😉

            Are you nuts? I am not doing that. Let him have fun with his skanks.


             She stopped texting then. I don't really understand the problem between Mads and Todd. I thought they had true love.

    I made my way back to the living room and nudge Rhea who was waiting worriedly for Pipa and her boyfriend to finish their friendly chat.

"Tyler's going to be fine. Pipa is just setting some rules." I say, trying to help her relax.

"This is what happens when I don't date…What do I do after be comes back? I honestly don't know what to do. I still wonder why he is still with me? I'm socially awkward. All I talk about is school and the subjects, especially science and math. Everyone hates school, he probably thinks I'm a bore and-"

"Rhea, stop talking." I interject.

She blows out a breath, calming down just as Tyler and Pipa come back with big smiles on their faces.

I want Adrian's smile…

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