11 | Not For Long

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“Good night, Belle! ” Betsy exclaimed in a good mood after our dinner outside.

I wave back just as happy as she was before heading back out to have a swim in the hot tub. I sigh, lowering myself into the water. I close my eyes, enjoying the peace and tranquility.

We were far from the island with just 10 people aboard. One of them is nowhere to be seen since we got on board the Betsy Wave.

“What are you doing? ” I ask when I open my eyes to see Adrian getting in.

“Getting into the tub. What does it look like?” He asked, sitting in front of me.

I glare at him. “Well, I'm here.”

“I can see that. ”

I frown at him. “Fine, if we're going to share the tub, leave me alone.” I close my eyes, relaxing my muscles.

Minutes gone by, and I thought he was actually going to leave me alone, but he had to ask that one question.

“Will you marry me again?” He asked softly.

“Adrian, I thought I made it clear. I don't want you in my life again.” I said slowly.

“What you think I did was not true, Belle. ” He said quietly.

“I don't think, Adrian. I know! I saw with my own eyes! Maddy wanted to give me my birthday gift in London at your office, when I got there. I saw you doing it with a whore!” I said angrily, feeling the pain come back.

“Maddy…” He trailed off.

“Yes, Maddy! My best friend was right. Once a player, always a player. This time, just get out of my life. I don't want anything to do with you.” I said coldly before getting out and leaving him alone in the tub to feel the guilt.



I was wide awake and I got out of my cabin at the same time Betsy did. She yawned.

“Oh hey, Belle. Ready for scuba diving? ” Betsy asked.

I nod excitedly. “Yep.”

“Could you wake Adrian up for me? I need the restroom real bad. ” And then she ran off in a funny way.

I sigh and there goes the -get out of my life thing-flying out the door. I walk down and enter Adrian's room when he didn't answer.

“What do you want?” Adrian asked flatly.

I see he's awake already.

“Betsy sent me to wake you up.”

“Well, I'm awake. Now you can leave. ” He said, moving to his open laptop. I saw the background it was our wedding photo.

“Still haven't changed your background. ” I say.

“Right.” He said and changed his background without hesitation, making a pang of pain in my chest. “Now leave. ”

He went to pack his things into his duffel bag.

“Are you leaving?” I ask.

“Belle, leave.” He grits.

“I-okay.” I sigh in defeat, moving to get out.

“And before you go accusing me of infidelity, make sure your best friend is honest. ” He said, and walked out of his room with his duffel bag.

From his window, I saw him get on a small boat from the resort and sailed off, leaving me to wonder about what he said.

Maddy's honest. She's my bestie. She's honest with me.



“Adrian left? ” Betsy asked slowly.

I nod slowly as well, wondering if she'd scream or something.

“Want to go get a tan?” She asked. And I smile, nodding.

We lay out on the deck, facing up.

After tanning, we went to her room. This girl has a walk in closet in here. The heck?

“I have this cute dress I want you to wear.” Betsy said, standing on her tippy toes as she tried to reach for something.

She pulls out a bag that knocked off a few envelopes. It was dusty.

I reach for it while Betsy stood like a statue.

“From Adrian Caville. ” I read the envelope cover.

I cock a brow. “To Aribelle Claires.”

“Oh oh.” Betsy mumbles.

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