8 | Not For Long

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      ∞ He slammed the door in my face.

I guess, I deserved that.

I sigh frustratedly and turned the doorknob, surprised to see it unlocked. I wasn't sure if I should go in but when then I did.

Truth be told, I feel a tad bit guilty for doing what I did.

"What are you doing here?" He asked rudely when he found me sitting on the couch by the ceiling-to-floor window.

I stand up and look away when I notice he was shirtless and his hair wet from a shower. He looks so handsome.

"Why did you do that? " I ask angrily, referring to the hotel raters problem with my eyes trained on the butterflies outside.

    He makes me look at him, tilting my face with his finger under my chin.

"Do what, Beauty?" He said and I look at him in the eyes, slapping his touch away. I still felt tingles where he'd touched me.

"The raters are not coming unless you come as well." I answer, glaring at him.

"What makes you think I-"

"Just make sure to come tomorrow afternoon, because I'm telling Mr. Darth to come because you are coming as well." I finished.

He merely chuckles, realizing the resort raters name. "Ah, Darth. My good ol' friend. He only does things for friends and family. "

"Well, do the same for me." I hiss.

He frowns, stepping forward. I found myself stepping back to the front door. I step out backwardly as he holds both doors, saying,"Have you forgotten? We're divorced. We're no longer family." With that said, he slammed his doors shut in my face and I couldn't help but feel a pang of pain in my heart.


"Pipa, Mima," I groan over the phone that night. I had explained to them about the problem and that Adrian's gone cold on me.

"Make him come. Force him or something! Pearl Resort must be a rated a five star." Mima said over the phone.

"I can't make him, Mima. He hates me. And its in his blood to not listen." I answer, dropping my feet into the freezing water of the VIP pool. I sat there, staring at the stars above.

"But its also in your blood to never give up. So do it." Was what Pipa said before hanging up.

     Some one sits beside me and I smile at Joshua who has a cheeky smile on. He bumps his shoulders against mine, making me smile back.

"What's with the smile?" I ask, arching a brow.

"I met this girl, she's so beautiful and funny, but...sucks she's dating a guy who only cares about himself. " Josh said, looking sad suddenly.

"Oh? Show me who this beautiful and funny girl is." I say.


"Rhea?" I call for her when I saw her, sitting alone at the bar when Tyler walked off to the nearby men's room.

When she turned around to see who it was, Josh quickly jumped into a bush and I think I heard a groan of pain before I quickly put on a smile for Rhea.

"Rhea, are you-" Before I could finish my question, she hugged me and started to sob.

"Tyler's a jerk. He ditched me for his ex." She says, pulling back and I saw the look of hurt on her face.

"Well, Adrian's having a vacation at the resort." I blow out a breath.

     We started talking about things before a painful groan came from the bush and Rhea went to see who it was.


"Me?" I heard a funny laugh.

"Yeah, my lifesaver. " Rhea smiled.

I scoff. "Pfft, what? Lifesaver? How long have you been on the island? "

"Since yesterday. " Rhea said, helping Josh out of his hiding place. "Josh, my lifesaver, saved me when Tyler couldn't."

    She went on about she'd went kayaking without a life jacket and dropped her paddle (which is dumb) and started paddling with her hand to reach it only to lean over and drop into the water. And Josh who happened to be flirting with some girls nearby saved her drowning butt.

"Rhea!" I say.

"What?" She asked.

"Be careful-Josh could have died trying to save you." I say and she frowned before smiling at Josh who looks whipped.

Everything was going fine till-

"Adrian!" Rhea called, waving over someone who I think is behind me. Against my will, I turn to see my ex-husband walking over to the bar and I feel jealousy course through my veins when I saw one of the VIP guests sit with him on a stool, leaning against him and practically shoving her boobs in his face. 

Before I could get between them, I remind myself that HE was no longer mine. We're divorced.

 God, do I feel stupid. 


"Boss, have you seen Lilly?" A worker asked me when he came to me in a rush. 

"No, why?" I ask him. 

He looks at the bar where there were so many VIP guests having themselves cocktails and whatnot. 

"Kyle is alone at the bar and Lilly is nowhere to be seen, it's her shift now." He explained.

"And why can't you go and substitute her?" I prod.

"I would, boss. But I'm suppose to be touring a family around the resort." He answers. 

I sigh, telling him he could go and do what he was suppose to do while I will go help out Kyle who was moving around the bar, serving his customers. Rhea had dragged Josh with her as they follow me to the bar at the same time Tyler exits the men's room. 

Something tells me it will be awkward to help out since Adrian winked at me when I joined Kyle behind the counter. I ignore him, but how could I when that slut was touching what's mine?!

Ugh, there it goes again. HE'S NOT MINE. ANYMORE!

"One glass of red wine." The girl demanded before going back to whispering in Adrian's ear. 

I wonder what she's whispering about.

The girl had strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. She's very beautiful, but her clothes look....just...slutty. She wore a dress that was too short; it reached her mid-thigh. And the top showed more skin. And she wore the highest heels ever. And of course, she has too much make-up on. Doesn't her face feel heavy? 

I got her order ready and was about to place it down when she moved her arm. The glass of red wine spills over her dress and she gasps before glaring at me. 

"What the hell!" She exclaimed angrily at me, causing the others to look at the commotion. 

Gosh, I hate her already. So much. 

"This dress cost $12,000 and you ruined it. Pay up now." She demanded viciously and I arch a brow at her, not liking her attitude. Who does she think she is? 

"Relax, Britt. Both of you don't worry." Adrian started before I could do anything to his little slut.

He's already moving on, I see. Did I do us both a favor by leaving him? Because honestly, I feel bad for leaving him. My heart was stomped upon when I walked away from him. 

"I'm going to pay the dress so you can buy another one," He tells Bitch, I mean Britt, and turns to me. "And you don't have to worry about money." 

"She's going to pay." Britt said at the same time I said,"I won't pay for a slutty dress." 

Kyle, who was behind me, stifled a laugh. 

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