12 | Not For Long

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     Betsy and I sat outside by the pool with a letter and an old cellphone that belonged to Adrian.

“Why do you have his things? ” I ask curiously.

“Adrian asked me to throw them away, but I kept it.” She answered.

I look at the letter and Betsy watched me as I started reading.

      Dear Aribelle,

I'm deeply hurt that you don't trust me. I'm hurt that you think I cheated on you. I would never ever do that to you, because I don't ever want you to do that to me.

I'm writing a letter to you because I learned you disposed your phone. And honestly, I think it's stupid.

You'd never believe me no matter how many times I said I never cheated. Your mine. I'm yours.

I'm going into surgery in a few days since I have cancer. I hate that you have to know of my condition through paper. I'm not saying this so you'd stay with me. You don't deserve to be with an ill person like me.

I want you to know that i love you. Your my Belle. My beauty. My BeautyBelle.

                 Adrian Caville

P. S        Find your new beast.

           A tear slips down my cheeks and I wipe it off immediately.

      Adrian had cancer?

This letter was dated years ago after Adrian and I divorced.

O my god, I feel horrible. I left him when he was dying…

“He had cancer …” I spoke.

Betsy turned to me, looking defeated as she sighed.

“He defeated cancer. I thought he'd welcome it since he was a mess after the divorce. But he fought it even though he was heartbroken. He wanted to give you a second chance. But after his departure hours ago, I think you missed your chance. ” She says.

“I divorced because he cheated Betsy.” I say through gritted teeth.

Betsy stood up all of a sudden. “You're always accusing him of something he never did. ”

“He did! I saw.”

“You saw!? Adrian wasn't at his office the days after your birthday. He was busy having a check up. What you saw was a lie, Aribelle!” Betsy yelled at me angrily, shaking my shoulders.

“What?” I ask stupidly.

“Adrian is family, Belle. I care for him. He was busy with work and then he learned he had cancer, and then he learns his wife is missing. You then come back wanting a divorce. You think i like watching my best friend hurting. Confused and lost, not knowing what he did wrong?” Betsy was crying.

“Maddy wanted to give me my gift in Adrian's office, when I got there I saw a girl and a boy doing it on the desk. She was even saying his name!”

“Did you see Adrian's face?”

I was silent.

“Where was Maddy? Maddy is a bitch. She's determined on breaking your marriage, she succeeded! Before Todd, did you know she had a major crush on Adrian? Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, this was her plan?”

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