2 | Not For Long

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“He'll be fine," Joe, my grandpa, tells me as we watch my husband get on the private jet plane of ours. The same jet we'd get on to escape the buzz. To go have some alone time together.

    Adrian looks back and blew me a kiss and I pretend to catch it, bringing it to my heart as I mouth 'i love you.' He disappears inside and I finally let my grandpa drag me away.

"Let's go have some of Rhea's famous chocolate chip cookies."

"Sure thing, pipa." I chuckle, feeling lonely without my hubby. I'm sure I can handle the loneliness for a few days.



       Three batches of cookies later, I sat at the kitchen counter, spinning on the barstool. I would always do this and Adrian would stop me from spinning before kissing me.

"Why don't you have a boyfriend, Rhea?" I ask my favorite cousin who was typing away on her phone.

"I do, actually. His names Tyler O'Neill." Rhea says and I stop spinning and jump off, running to her and she moves around the kitchen island, getting away from me.

"Oooh, really? Let me see him." I say excitedly. Its good to know that my genius of a cousin is finally liking someone. She's a sucker for books.

"He's in New Jersey now so…next time." She runs off and I chuckle.

     Suddenly, my phone beeps signaling I received a new message. Grabbing my iPhone from the counter, I saw its from my beast.


Look at all these girls, so sexy.

    Adrian thinks BeautyBelle almost sounds like Beautiful.

         I roll my eyes and texted back that he just got on air, and that he's lying.

I miss you, Beautiful!

Already? Aha

and you're right, we're in the sky now. There's no girl to see. Plus, all I want to see is you, sexayyy.

          After chatting with him, I told him to take a nap but he complained about how uncomfortable it is and how he wants to take a nap with me.

I put my phone away and headed up to our bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I lay on our bed, breathing in Adrian's scent. His cologne is so good. It's addicting.



     Its been two days since Adrian left to London and I miss him like crazy. I was in my Italian restaurant, looking around to see if everything was okay; also helping out.

    I was about to enter the back room where the employees have their own lockers to keep their things when I suddenly heard-

"She's dumb to stay and check the restaurant. I mean seriously, Omie." I heard one of the waitresses say to another. "Instead of checking on her hottie of a husband in case he cheats, she's here- watching us as if we don't know our job."

"Miss Caville is an idiot." I hear before making my presence known.

I caught India and Mayomie gossiping amongst themselves loudly. They were the meanest employees I employed. I hated how they acted, but I know it's hard to find a job these days when you don't graduate with a degree, so I hired them and they talk behind my back. Whoa!

"I guess I'm an idiot for hiring you both in the first place. Good luck for finding a new job, because you two are FIRED!" I yell at them, making them flinch.

     What is it with everyone putting their noses in my married life? Adrian's my husband. Its my job to worry. He's my business, not theirs. I believe that Adrian wouldn't cheat on me. I'm his wife and he loves me. If he loves me, it wont be hard to be faithful.

He'll come back and we'll continue on with our lives together.

I message him a short message on my way out to my Lamborghini.

To: BeastyAdrian
Fr: BeautyBelle

        I miss you, jerk.

       He's told me he's very busy with the company in London. He's also helping out a friend who's going bankrupt.

     He sends a message back. Even though it's short, it made my heart swell.

         I want your hugs 😰

I shake my head with a laugh, feeling better after the gossiping incident.

      I text back: Skype tonight? 😏

       He replies with a: Hell yes! 😘 I really need to see your lovely face. My lips are lonely tho. 😙😙

      I chuckle before texting back that we'd Skype tonight. I got in my car, started it up before driving off to Caville Manor.

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