4 | Not For Long

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       I woke up and my eyes land on the picture frame that was on my bedside table. It was a wedding picture of Adrian and I.

The picture was taken by Adrian's sister. She took it when we didn't know. We were gazing into each others eyes, in our own world.

My cousins thought I wasn't in the right state of mind when I decided to wear a blue dress. (dress above*)

    I couldn't say no to it the moment I saw it in the wedding shop. It was unique. All the ladies in my family wore white dresses, I wanted to be different. I guess, Adrian too because he wore his black converse on our wedding day.

      It was our special day.

I force myself out of bed and took a shower and brushing my teeth. After that, I got dressed in a blue dress that had short sleeves and reaches my knees. I slipped on a pair of black heels before doing my makeup.

I pick up my phone and saw there was a message from Adrian: Good morning, beautiful! ❤ I miss you & have a good day.

I smile automatically, texting back: you too handsome 😍

     I put my phone into my bag before heading downstairs for breakfast.


"It's almost your birthday and he's not back yet." Rhea said as we walk on the beach.

I groan. "Not you too."

"Belle, I'm not like the others. I like Adrian and I hate how they ridicule him. Just like how my mom criticized Tyler over dinner last night." She whispered the last part.

"Our family is full of judgemental people." I mutter, shaking my head. "Adrian's busy with work. The shipping company has more problems. And then there's a friend going into bankruptcy."

"He'll take care of it and come back to you, cous." Rhea smiles.

"And Tyler won't let some criticism stop him from being with you." I say and she blushed.


Two days later, I found myself having breakfast at a luxurious restaurant with my mom who hadn't said a word to me yet.

We weren't that close. Her concerns were always for my younger sister-Gisella. She only cares for her reputation and who I date.

Being here with her is a shock.

Once our food and drinks were served, I start eating.

"Tomorrow's your birthday …" She started before forking her pasta. "And Adrian's not back yet."

I know where this is going…I don't like it.

"Mom-" I say but she cut me off quickly with disappointment in her eyes, directed at me.

"Can't you see, Aribelle? He's getting bored of you. He's from a family of players. He's still in his 20s. Why would he want to settle down already? Especially with you."

I put down my fork, looking back at her, trying to keep my calm.

"Is this why you called me out? To talk about my husband?" I ask, shaking my head. I grab my napkin and wipe the corners of my mouth.

"He's not the one for you, Aribelle. He'll be there so long, you'll be divorcing early."

"I love him and I won't give up on us just because of some stupid distance." I grit out.

I grab my purse and walk out. Not feeling like going to work, I headed back to the manor.


"When are you coming back, Adrian? Everybody's against our marriage. They think you're cheating and other negative thoughts. Come back already, because I am starting to have thoughts that I'll hate." I tell Adrian over the phone that night.
"Don't let them get to you. I'll be back once all the chaos here is dealt with. I'm sorry I won't be able to make it for your birthday tomorrow. Wish I could be there." Adrian's exhausted voice said.

I watch the stars as we speak.

After talking more, I finally went to bed, hoping he'll be back before I know it.


I woke up the next morning. It's my birthday today. I'm 24 today.

Usually on my birthday, Adrian would have a cake in my face when I wake up, singing happy birthday very loud.

I smile before taking a bath. I wore a pink shirt and black jeans with flats. I braid my hair and added makeup to my face before leaving home.

I waited for Adrian to text me or call but he didn't.

Maybe tonight. He's busy.

But no matter how busy, he'd call me.

I blew out a breath before heading to Adrian's parent's house. I sometimes think they love me more than my parents. They invited me over to their place cus they want to celebrate my birthday with me.

"Happy birthday, Belle sweetheart!" Helen, Adrian's mom, wished me while his father hugged me.

"Has Adrian wished you Happy birthday yet?" Sean, Adrian's older brother, asked.

I shake my head no and they frown in confusion.

"He'll call, I know it." Rose, his sister, smiled. "Even though he's busy with those, it would hurt him to not say Happy birthday to  you."

    After eating cake and opening gifts, I hugged them bye before heading to Pipa and Mima's.

They sang Happy birthday to me and Pipa even did this funny dance move that made me cry tears of joy. Pipa and Mima had given me a memory book for my birthday. Rhea and Tyler gave me a concert ticket to watch Bieber. Mom and dad who wasn't there had given Rhea my gift. From dad, a box of chocolate and mom a bunch of earrings and a letter that read:

Happy Birthday Aribelle, Darling.

          Sighing, I flipped over the memory book with Mima and Pipa. They ship Adrian and I when no one did. They're the best grandparents ever.

Team Arian forever!

"Aw," I say when I saw the first photo of me and them. It was when I was born. We looked at the pictures. Half of the book were mostly me and Adrian.

"Adrian will always love you."


What's up, JayHearters!? I hope your enjoying this book as much as I love writing it. Don't forget to comment & vote.

Completing this book is what I want to do before school starts. whew! School. It means no more wattpad and more math and other boring stuff.

I love reading, but come on, reading math, science and whatever subject is boring.

Why can't we have a six month vacation twice a year?

Ugh, moving on from my crazy self.

Love, Neondroplets!

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