16 | THE END

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This is the last Chapter, Guys! I can't believe I reached this far! Omg!

So I wrote this while listening to Paper Love. (Yup, so random.)


1 Year Later

“Selena Gomez concert? Girl, I love you." Gwen, a new friend of mine, squealed when I gave her free tickets to a concert.

"Yeah, you and Alexander can go together." I suggest.

"But what about you?"

"Nah, I will stay home." I shrug.

"You need Adrian." She spoke, poking my side.

I shake my head. "He deserves better." I stare at the mirror hanging on the wall.

After fighting against cancer, I finally won. My hair grew back and I look like the girl years ago.

I look at the scar on my neck. It will serve as a reminder for that surgery.


There was a knock on the door that night a few minutes after Gwen left with her boyfriend to the concert.

"Don't tell me you forgot the tickets?" I said, heading to the door, thinking it was Gwen.

As soon as I open the door, I shut it again and leaned against it with my heart pounding so hard.

Not even a minute and the door was pushed open, making me step away.

Adrian came through the door with a worried look on his face. I could see the anger, sadness, happiness, and confusion in his beautiful eyes.

“Belle…" He started.

I just stand there. This was so unexpected. I thought he'd forget me already. How does he even know I'm here? That I'm living in New Zealand of all places. I could have went to Hawaii. Or Detroit. Or Africa. The only people who knew my whereabouts are my parents and Grandparents. There's no way they'd expose me. They promised!

"What are you doing here?" I ask, stepping back.

He corners me and I mentally face palm.

"What am I doing here? Belle, I'm here for you. I went through hell without you. Your family wouldn't tell me where you are.” He said.

I notice the dark circles under his eyes.

"How did you know I'm here?" I ask.

"Gwendolyn Harris and Alexander Blanchard." Was his answer. "God bless their souls."

He cups my face. "Why did you leave me?"

I slap his hand off. "You should leave."

He cups my face again. "I will not. I lost you more than once. I'm not going to keep repeating it."


"Don't you dare say you're ugly. Or those sappy shit, Belle. You're beautiful.  My beautiful beauty." He breathed, inching closer.

"But I am." I say.

He moves closer to my face, looking deep into my eyes.

"Ugly? Then you should be beast then. Ugly outside, but beautiful inside." He chuckles.

When did I get this insecure?

"Adrian, you don't deserve me. I don't deserve you. I brought your name down didn't I? I don't want people saying you're stupid for being with a cancerous girl."

"I'm not stupid. I will only be stupid if I let you go once again. And just because you had cancer, doesn't mean you're ugly. You're beautiful. Just the way God created you. You're beautiful in both our eyes." He smiled down at me.


"Just shut up and love me." He said before smashing his lips against mine.

In that moment, I realized Adrian was serious about his love for me. Player? Man whore? He's gone.

I'm blessed to have Adrian in my life. A guy like him is hard to find. And he's right. I'm beautiful. In my own kind of way. In his eyes. And in my Creator's.

Be beautiful everyone! Both in and out!

"I love you. No matter the distance." He whispers.

"Thank you, beast." I smile.

"I thought you're beast now?"

"Shut up and love me." I mimic.

The End!

I'm serious! The END!

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