10 | Not For Long

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More Arian moments! ♥


When my head healed up, I  was good to go exploring, have some times to myself. I was standing out on my balcony, looking out on the beach.

“Baby!” I hear her obnoxious voice before I saw her. She was wearing a set of bikini with her hair led down. “Adrian, my hubby.”

Below, I watch as Adrian was being hugged by that witch. Adrian only pulled her off of him and she grins.

“Meet me at our secret spot, okay? I have something you might like.” And then she winked. I walk away from there, heading into my room.

I change into my blue bikini. The bikini top had straps around the back and neck. I slipped on shorts and wrapped a lavalava around my body half. I slipped my feet into a pair of flip flops. I braided my hair to the side and put on my beach hat.

“Where are you going? ” Josh asked when I exit my room.

“Um, I'm spending time with Nature?” I said, sounding like a question.

He chuckles. “Well, Rhea and I are going snorkeling if you want to tag along.”

“Ohh, you and Rhea.” I tease with a playful look.

“Dude, she's got Tyler. ” He said, sounding disappointed.

“That moron's a jerk.” I mutter.

    We head our own ways and I stop by at the bar to get me some iced tea. I sit down on the stool and drink my tea, feeling the wind blow in my direction. I close my eyes, breathing in the fresh air.

“Good morning, beautiful. ” I open my eyes and see Adrian sitting on a stool beside me. I give him a small smile.

“Good morning, Mr. Caville. ” I greet him and he shakes his head. “Don't call me that, BeautyBelle. ”

I roll my eyes at him, turning a way from him. Its not helping that the wind blows his scent in my direction. Gosh, he smells wonderful. I just want to hug him and inhale his scent.

“Marry me again. ” He spoke up hopefully and I scoff at him. “I don't need a cheater in my life.”

He laughs bitterly. “Wow, Belle. Every time …you can never stop with those names, huh?”

“Its true, you are a cheater.” I tell him, looking directly into his eyes.

   He looks at me for a minute before standing up. I watch as he starts walking off.

Wow! He's not going to even try. He just gave up so quickly!

Oh so now he's going to his whore because I refuse to marry him?

I follow him secretly and saw him walking away from the resort to the other side of the island.

There was an old local house on the beach, built on rocks. It was abandoned and ruined. Adrian walks pass it and I quickly run to the house, walking around it. I hid and watch as Adrian stops and then a girl walks out of the trees.

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