Ringo Starr #1

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Why is the house moving? You opened your eyes and threw your arm to the left side of the bed. Just as you suspected, Ringo is gone. You get up and threw some clothes on. You walk downstairs and the first person to greet you is Eric Clapton. "Hello Claire! Smashing party!" Eric said, smiling. "Eric have you seen my husband?" You were slightly annoyed with all of it. "Last time I saw him he was with John Entwistle. That was about ten minutes ago." "Thanks Eric. You are a dear." You walked around looking for John. You hoped by finding John, you'd find your childish husband. You spot John and walk over to him. "John, where's Ringo?" You ask, growing more annoyed by the minute. "He went with George to the basement. He said they had something to talk about." "Thanks John." You walked down to the basement and a flood of memories hit you. Zak's first drum set is down here. A lot of old pictures and things from his first marriage that just sit. One day Zak will have to come over and go through this stuff with his dad. "Ringo, where are you?" You called out. "Oh shit!" You followed his voice to the studio part of the basement. George was sitting across from Ringo in one of the chairs and you knew something was wrong. "Hon, what's wrong?" Ringo lifted his head up and you could tell he was and still is crying. "Ask Geo." He whispered, lowering his head back down. "What's going on George?" "I think you should sit down." He replied. You pulled up a chair up and sat next to your husband. He grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers with his. "So I went to the doctor and had some test a couple weeks back and it turns out I have lung cancer. I'm dying." Your face dropped and you felt your own tears fall. "Did they give you a time? Like how long?" "A year, two at best." "You're the baby you can't die before me!" Ringo shouted, collapsing further and further into himself. "I'm sorry Rich, but there's nothing we can do except pray the treatment works." "Who knows?" "You guys, Paul, Olivia, Dhani, Jeff Lyne and Eric. I told the people it would hit hardest that Ringo having a party and I pulled Jeff aside and told him. I found Eric and told him. Then, I pulled Rich down here and told him. I knew he'd cry, so I thought best bring him down here. That way no one will see him cry." "Geo, can you give us a minute?" You haven't heard Ringo's voice this weak since John died. "Yeah." George kissed Ringo's head on the way out. Then, once he was sure George was gone, he got in your lap and really cried. It was no holds barred he let every scream and ever sob out. When he finally was able to pull himself together and head back upstairs, most of the people from the party were gone. You guys went back upstairs and laid in bed. "Baby, don't you ever die on me." Ringo muttered, whilst climbing into bed. "I won't baby." You replied. That day was spent in bed, sleeping most of it away.

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