Art Alexakis #1

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*2002* Art woke up and threw his alarm clock at the wall. Ever since he and his wife got divorced, he'd grown angrier. The last time Art saw his daughter she said she hated him and that broke what was left of his heart. He got dressed and lit a cigarette. While enjoying his morning cancer stick, a pounding at the door pulled him out of daydreams and back to reality. He threw the door open and was surprised. There was his daughter, Annabelle, with a suitcase and tears streaming down her cheeks. Art ditched his cigarette and pulled her into his arms. "Baby, what happened?" He pulled her suitcase in and shut the door. "Mommy, she said she didn't want me anymore and that I could go live with my bastard daddy." Art sighed and ran a hand through his daughter's shaggy blond hair. "Baby, can you go play in your room? I need to call mommy." He felt her head move up and down. He set her down and watched as she drug herself to her room. Art called a number that made his blood boil. "Hello?" A gruff voice on the other end answered. "This is Art. Where's Mikayla?" Art was slowly losing his patience with his ex. "She ain't here. Can I take a message?" The other man changed his tone. "Can you tell her to call me as soon as she gets back?" Art sighed heavily. "Yeah. Listen Art, I'm I didn't want her to send Anna to you. I wanted her to do a fair custody arrangement but she wouldn't listen. I love Anna and I'm upset that she sent her away. I'm Charlie by the way." "Thank you Charlie that means a lot to me. I'm sorry you are on the receiving end of Mikayla's wrath towards me." "Thank you Art." They hung up and Art walked to his daughter's room. "Hey sweetie. What you doing?" Art sat on the tiny pink chair. "I'm playing tea party. You want some tea daddy?" "Sure!" "You got to be wearing the sparkly earrings." Art laughed and put the toy earrings on. Annabelle poured her dad a cup of tea. They played until it was time for her to have a bath. Later that night, Art watched his child sleep. "I could get used to this." Art thought to himself. He truly believed that everything will be wonderful someday.

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