Krist Novolesic #1

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You laid in bed and saw your celling moving. Your head was killing you. Fuck you don't feel good at all. Then, your stomach was doing summersaults. You launched yourself into your bathroom. Just in time too. You puked and as you pulled hair back you could hear heavy footsteps coming towards your room. "Taby! You okay?" Thank God, its your twin brother Krist. "I'm in the bathroom." Soon after you were scooped up and set back in bed. "I could've walked Kristy!" You whined. "You're my sick baby sister so I should take care of you." You hated this. Krist was only older than you by a minute. "Krist, we aren't kids anymore. And I'm not your baby sister, I'm your twin sister. I can take care of myself." You stubbornly insisted. "Well, I might as well stay here with you. Mom and dad are fighting again." You watched your big brother climb into your bed. " What are they fighting about? Krist, you're going to get sick." "Taby, I don't care. For once I want to be normal for a minute. Dad doesn't like the influence I'm having on you. He thinks you'll end up as a drunk or something." "Krist, I don't care what they think." "I know." You snuggled into your brother and waited for his snores to signal he was asleep. "Good night Kristal ball. I love you. You've always been a good brother." You had just closed your eyes when you heard "Goodnight little sister. I love you too. You've always been a great sister." You smiled and went to sleep knowing your brother, your hero loves you. That was the best gift he gave you.
A/N ThelastLastrange here you go. Thank you for the request. I hope you like it.

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