Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*Author P.O.V*

SavageNiall: 💵💵💵Harry, this is the fifth time I've asked you for my money. 💵💵💵

KingOfAggressiveness: I'll give you ur money man don't worry.😇😇😇

SavageNiall: You said that yesterday and the day before that and so on.😒😒😒

KingOfAggressiveness: I get it alright just know that you'll have your money in your hand on Friday at exactly 1:00pm.👍👌👍👌👍

SavageNiall: Why 1?

KingOfAggressiveness: Because I said so now hush or I won't give you shit.💩💩💩😂😂😂

SavageNiall: How can you threaten me? ITS MY MONEY YOU TWIT!!!

KingOfAggressiveness: Just for that no money for you.🔒🔒🔒

SavageNiall: I'm going to kick your ass Harry.💪👊

KingOfAggressiveness: I'd rather have you fuck it.👌👈

SavageNiall: Stfu.😡😡😡

KingOfAggressiveness: Why you mad?😈😈😈

SavageNiall: Don't you dare say it!!!

KingOfAggressiveness: Because my pussy pop severely and yours don't?

SavageNiall: Why do I even bother with you?

KingOfAggressiveness: Because you love me.💕💞💋

SavageNiall: No not really.💔💔💔

KingOfAggressiveness: I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL!!!😭😢😰😣😞

SavageNiall: You'll be special when I get my damn money back.💰💰💰

KingOfAggressiveness: How many times do I have to tell you that you will get it?

SavageNiall: Until it's in my hand.✋

KingOfAggressiveness: Your being really petty over 30 dollars bro.😨💸💵

SavageNiall: Don't call me bro.😤😡😤

KingOfAggressiveness: Brrrrrooooo.

SavageNiall: God I hate you so much.🔨🔨💣

KingOfAggressiveness: Hey! Take that back or else.

SavageNiall: Or else what?

KingOfAggressiveness: I'll suck your dick idk.😟😓😧

SavageNiall: Nice comeback idiot.

KingOfAggressiveness: Thanks, it took me a good second to come up with it.💅💁👊

SavageNiall: You do realize that I was being sarcastic right?💁💁💁

KingOfAggressiveness: Pffff whhhaaattt of course I knew that.😦😯😅

SavageNiall: Yeah, that text was really believable.

KingOfAggressiveness: Kiss my ass Horan.😑👿😠

SavageNiall: What ass? XD😋😝😛

KingOfAggressiveness: Hey!!!😮😵😲

SavageNiall: Hello.

KingOfAggressiveness: You know what I mean.

SavageNiall: I don't really.

KingOfAggressiveness: Yes you do.

SavageNiall: Nope.

KingOfAggressiveness: Goodnight shit face.🔪🔫💣

SavageNiall: Love you too. Gn.🌙🌛🌠



Soooo I'm finally deciding to do a texting story almost every author has one and I'm going to join them. As you can clearly see I got the idea from BBHMM that song is the shit. Anyway this story won't start until the end of March or earlier if I get a lot of feed back from you guys.

Bye my Goner.;-)

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