Playing Favourites, Or Favourites At Play?

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What if we are psychic? Not like "look into my crystal ball and I'll tell you your future! blah blah" psychic. But, what if we are psychic to our own lives, starting from a very young age? What if something as simple as our favourite numbers are actually significant to us? Mine are 7 and 13. No idea why, just always have been. These are things that are actually looking like they could be a thing to me. Maybe they are significant for the same reason?

Could your favourite colour be something that is actually a big representation in your life? For instance, if your absolute favourite colour in the world is blue, and you don't realize it, but you meet the man or woman of your dreams, and you don't notice it at first, but when you first met them, they were wearing a blue shirt? Or your first child is born, and though both you and your partner have brown eyes, your child has the bluest eyes you've ever seen? And you love these things just so much, not because blue is linked to them, but blue is linked to them because they are so significant to your life?

What if the reason you love zebra print so much is because you see everything as black and white? Or that you wish you could see everything that way? Or because they are classy colours, and you have a classy personality?

Maybe that interest you've always had in a different culture, the way you've always been inexplicably drawn to it, because it's fascinating and different and beautiful, is something more. Maybe the person you are destined to be with is actually of that culture, and it has nothing to do with how you meet, or why you are drawn to them, it's just a beautiful coincidence?

What if all your favourite things, or all the things that fascinate you are subtly critical to your life? What if everything is linked in such a way that we wouldn't even notice it?

Think of it like a craving. You don't know why you're craving steamed broccoli, but if you don't get some in your system soon, oh my god! Chaos could ensue. You need it in your life. It's your bodies way of telling you that you are missing something that food provides. You don't know why your favourite colour is blue, or why you love that culture, or why those numbers are so important to you, why that song speaks to your soul the way it does. But you need them in your life because they are a part of you. You need that specific source of nutrients. You can try to go without it, but you won't be living as well as you could be.

What if you have more than one favourite of something? Could they each be significant for separate reasons? Could they be linked in their importance? Could 7 and 13 be the same thing? Could blue and green have different significance? Are they exclusive or inclusive?

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