Your Life Is Out Of Order

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There is a theory, that good things happen when you are living your life on the right path. 

There is also the theory of Murphy's Law. Anything that can go wrong, will. Life loves to pull Murphy's Law when you are on the wrong path.

Call it what you want. Call it life, God, the universe, the powers that be. Whatever you choose to call it, it's sending you a message that you are on the wrong path, and you need to right yourself. It can manifest itself in so many different ways, and you never really understand what's going on until it's been happening for too long. Maybe you are trying to run from your problems, driven by fear, and your car breaks down. You could be trying to make a life change that your gut is telling you is wrong, but your head is telling you is right. Maybe you are doing something out of desperation. There's a good possibility that Murphy's Law is going to get you.

But of course, it goes both ways, doesn't it? If you are nervous or anxious about something because of how excited you are, and then you back out, Murphy is right there at your feet again. Showing you what you missed out on because of your fear.

Murphy's Law, in a larger application, can instil in you a true lesson in regret, remorse, fear.

Maybe this doesn't apply to you, or you simply haven't noticed. But my gut and my heart are generally on the same page, it's my head that causes problems. It's my head that causes me anxiety if I think about going against what society tells me is the right thing to do. But I realize now, laws are in place for a reason, so unless it's illegal then it is probably safe. What society tells you is not law, it is what people deem to be proper. I've never been a right proper kind of person, anyways. Screw them.

If a lot of bad things seem to be happening, maybe it's time to evaluate instead of just brushing it off and accepting it as 'life happens', as society will tell you to believe. Maybe it's time to think outside the box and start really considering if these things are just life happening, or if it's time to make a substantial change. The choice is yours, really. You can make substantial change, or you can try to ride it out and hope that you fall back into your comfort zone. 

The most important thing, is that you don't let someone else make the decision for you. Don't let others tell you how to live your life. Because that's what it is. It's your life, not theirs. Trust your gut, it knows more than you think you do, it's closer to your heart than your head is. 

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