Words Are Important

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Do you ever have those times, when you try to explain something in as simple a way as possible, and still what you mean gets lost in translation? Because by trying to simplify things, we don't use the most accurate words to say what we mean?

I have met a lot of people in my day with a far more limited vocabulary than my own. So, when speaking with them, I unconsciously use less descriptive words to say what I mean, to try to portray it on a level that is easier for them to comprehend. Also, because I'm not a god damn dictionary and don't want to have to define every 12th word that I use. It's just easier to identify those who have a more limited vocabulary, and work with it.

But the reality is, you can more clearly describe what you mean with specific words. You can elaborate on an idea using words with a more detailed intent, without changing the rest of the sentence structure. You don't have to just be mad, you can be irate. You don't have to just love something, you can adore it. You don't have to just enjoy something, you can be passionate about it. The sea isn't just blue, its aquamarine. That shirt isn't dark and light brown, its chocolate and tan. If this principle can be applied to emotions and colours, why could it not be used for other applications as well? There's no logical reason.

The english language is comprised of 171,476 words that are currently in use. How many of them are synonyms? Add to that the 47,156 obsolete words. We have over 200, 000 words to say exactly what we mean, and yet we still have slang. Which is fine, words are beautiful. We have 171,476 'active' words in the english language, and the average english speaker knows 20,000 - 35,000. That is 11.7-20.4% of the words that are currently in use.

11.7-20.4%. That is it. Let that sink in.

We have so many words at our disposal, yet we chose to limit ourselves to such a small percentage. We chose to limit our ability to express ourselves. Why is that? Because life is happening, because it is constant?  So many of us become so comfortable settling ourselves in front of a screen; a computer, a TV, a phone, that we give up real learning, important learning. Learning people, learning ourselves. We let things like reality shows keep us from experiencing reality. We let the pictures dictate to us what we get to know. So, is life really happening? Is it really stopping you from learning, from growing?

Words are important, they are a very basic form of expression, and yet we shy away from them. We shy away from expressing ourselves to the best of our abilities.

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