After The Storm (chapter 53)

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Chapter 53

Elsa's POV

As I sit on the ground, with guards surrounding me, I suddenly look up, and see something that I have feared might happen....

Anna was dead.

I struggled to rush over to her, but the guards pushed me back.

Her hair was white, and she was frozen.

Before I could say anything, all of Hans brothers and himself sprinted out of my castle.

All that was left in the room was Kristoff, me, and a frozen Anna.

Kristoff stood in front of her, and stared at her.

He was whispering something, but I couldn't hear him. then I saw a tear slide down his face, but he didn't bother to wipe it away.

Then I heard him say, "please.... don't go. Your my sunshine...."

The last part he said, about the "sunshine" must be his nickname for her. It broke my heart when he said that.

I looked back up at him, and he was hugging her tightly. After a while, he kissed her on the forehead, then walked away.

He sat down in the hallway outside of the room. I heard him crying.

I suddenly got up, and froze the handcuffs on my hands. they broke off and I rushed over to Anna.

"No...please no..." I whispered and a tear slid down my cheek.

I hugged her and said, "please come back. You were my only hope.... your the reason why I stayed here." I paused, and started to sob. "I didn't mean for this to happen again, and I didn't mean to hurt you in any way. I just want you to come back. please don't die, not today...." I said.

I put my hands on her face, and look into her frozen eyes. I can't believe I did this. It's all my fault.

Then I started getting a flashback from the last time we were together. We were standing in the middle of no where, and we were fighting....


Kristoff's POV


As I sit in the hallway, I sob my heart out.

I know men don't cry, but I can't help it. My heart is broken, and there is no way to fix it.

Then I hear Elsa in the other room. She is crying too, but she is also talking to her, as if she is still alive.

I put my hands on my face, and wipe away my tears. I don't want to tell Sven right at this moment, because it would be to devastating for him to take.

Then, I start to get angry for some reason. I stand up, and pace back and fourth.

"She can't be dead! She can't!" I yell and stomp my foot.

"She.....can't be..." I whisper.

I sit back down, and tears start flowing down my face.

'She can't be...' I think.


Elsa's POV


As I think about how we were fighting the last time we were together, I hear Kristoff yelling outside the room.

"She can't be dead!" he shouts.

I let out a little sob, then say quietly, "but she is..."

I look Anna straight in the eye,

"I never got to say.... I'm sorry..."

(((End of chapter 53! This was a really sad chapter I'm sorry about that ;( comment your thoughts below or comment what you think might happen next! and don't worry, next chapter won't be as sad ;) thanks sooooo much for 12.7K reads! and 500+ votes! ilyasm <3 well I have a dance competition all weekend, so I will try to update as soon as possible! -xoxo Alyssa :)))

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