Dude... what?

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I found this so read it, come on now-

Millard & Jake: *Does something stupid and the room is a complete mess*

Y/N: * Tries to open door*

Millard: No, no! Don't come in *slams door shut*

Y/N: Why?

Millard: Um... um... Jakes naked.

Y/N: WHAT?!?!

Jake: What?

Millard whispers to Jake: Well I can't say I'm naked she's allowed to see me like that.

Jake whisper yelling: Why does anyone have to be naked?

Y/N: Why is Jake naked?

Jake: I... uh... had something to show him.

Y/N: Naked?

Jake: Yeah... it's a guy problem.

Millard: *Holds back laugh*

Y/N: Is it the same thing Millard had?

Millard: *Freaks out*

Millard: Just come back later and we'll have this all sorted out!

Y/N: Okay... hey listen, there's some of Millard's medicine in the bathroom.

Millard: *Still freaking out* BYE! BYE!

Y/N: Alright, bye.

Millard: *Sighs* Thank Bird *Try to figure out how to clean room*

Jake: Dude... what do you have?

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