Pillow Forts (M.N)

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Y/N, Millard, Jacob, Emma, Horace, Hugh and Enoch were at home waiting bored out of their minds on the couch for Miss Peregrine, Bronwyn, Olive and Claire. Hugh, Horace and Enoch were spread across the main couch, while Y/N and Millard were snuggling on a chair, and Emma and Jacob were on the floor playing with the rug.

They had enough of waiting broadly in the living room when the house phone rang. So Hugh got up to answer it with a couple of bees following him sleepily.

"Miss P's not coming back in another four hours," Hugh exclaimed frustrated.

"What are we supposed to do here, just sit here like this for another couple hours? I'm bored!" Horace said also frustrated.

"Yes Horace, we're supposed to be sitting her like statues for another four hours," mocked Enoch.

"Well what do you guys want to do then?" asked Jacob.

"Not be bored out of my brains!"

The seven of them disused options of actives they could do. Cooking- no. Playing video games- no. watching a movie- no. when someone offered something everyone else just said no, mostly not thinking what he or she were saying.

"Oh, I know," Y/N said while adjusting herself on Millard's lanky body, "How about we make a Pillow Fort."

"We aren't six, Y/N," groaned Enoch.

"Yeah, but the people that are coming home are around that age," Millard said defensively.

So everyone but Enoch agreed to building a Pillow Fort.

Finally, something exiting was happening. However, almost everyone had pins and needles from hardly moving of two hours.

Therefore, everyone grabbed stuff and arranged things. Emma and Jacob arranged the couches back-to-back but so there was a walkway between them. Y/N and Millard grabbed the most comfortable pillows and blankets in the house. Hugh got some extra chairs from the kitchen, so sheets could go up easer and his bee's helped put them up. Horace brought some decorations like fairy lights and a DVD player Jacob had. In addition, Enoch helped with little this and thats but mostly watching them, laughing whenever his friends failed at something. Once they had finished there 'castle' as Hugh said, they looked at it in awe. Y/N and Emma were so happy with it; they were jumping up and down as if they were six.

"Emma why don't you get your Polaroid out" asked Jacob.

"Oh yes, I forgot about it" she said running up the stairs.

Y/N and Millard stood there in each other's embrace, admiring there friends creation right in front of them. The two did not realize that Emma had gotten down the stairs with her Polaroid until they heard and saw the flash of the camera; she had taken a picture of them.

"Oh, this is just the most adorable picture ever," Emma exclaimed, holding it up so everyone could see.

Jacob, Horace and Hugh cooed over how cute Y/N and Millard were as a couple. Y/N's cheeks were going a furious crimson, so were Millard's but no one could tell. Enoch didn't know why the boys were so happy over this, there was just some stuff he didn't understand in people.

Horace looked at his expensive watch. "Miss P and the rest will be here in 10-20 minutes, so make sure the Pillow Fort is neat and everything."

"Wow, time buzzes buy." Added Hugh, making everyone groan. "I don't understand why you guys hate my puns so much."

Miss Peregrine, Bronwyn, Olive and Claire had gotten home. Claire was the first one to find out about the Pillow Fort, with her high pitch exited squeal going through house. She found Millard, Y/N and Hugh sitting on the right and Emma, Jacob, Enoch and Horace on the left. As soon as she stopped her squeal, which sounded like a pig being run over, Miss P, Wyn and Olive came in. Olive's face light up like a light bulb, while Miss P and Bronwyn were smiling. Emma quickly took a picture of Claire and Olive standing next to each other with huge grins on their faces. (I would too; it took up the whole living room, which is pretty big.)

Enoch, trough a pillow at Bronwyn and surprised her. She then through it back at him not meaning to, but knocking the wind out of his guts and pushing over. Then that obviously turned into a huge pillow fight, even with Miss P joining in.

Everyone had a pillow and whacking it at someone. The couples were working together to strike everyone else. Olive was throwing pillows from above while Bronwyn handed them to her. Y/N and Millard were just rampaging through the living room whacking everyone from their feet. The rest of the girls just sat there having a laughing fit, and Hugh, Horace, Enoch and Jacob were ganging up on Millard and Y/N. The four boys' one of course. This happened for a solid 10 minutes, until everyone gave up laughing with sore arms.

Claire and Olive were on the floor puffing from exhaustion. While everyone else was draped over something. Miss Peregrine left to get dinner because it was 8pm already. (Time does buzz by doesn't it?) She came back to everyone in the Pillow Fort sleeping. Emma and Jacob hugging while Y/N and Millard were curled into each other. The other five were spread out. Therefore, Miss P took this as perfect opportunity to take a quick pic.


Hope that gave you in-human sounds :P

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