Italian Chef

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I got this from tumblr but changed it up a bit.


Jacob: Did you guys hear about the Italian chef that died yesterday?

Millard: He pasta way.

Jacob: ...

Emma: He ran out of thyme.

Jacob: ...

Olive: Here today, gone tomato.

Jacob: ... Stop.

Hugh: His wife is still upset, cheese still not over it.

Jacob: Seriously, stop.

Bronwyn: We never sausage a tragedy.

Jacob: Please stop it.

Enoch: Ashes to ashes, crust to crust.

Jacob: Guys!

Claire: There isn't mushroom for Italian chefs there days.

Jacob: Horace, help me out here.

Horace: No way, this is too good.

Jacob: I'm gonna tell the bird.

Everyone: wait no!

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