For APeculiarPotterHead

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Millard and I were sitting in the living room drinking hot chocolate and talking. We had just had dinner and Enoch was being annoying, as usual.

"Ugh! Why is Enoch so salty all the time?" I complained.

"What? Did someone through the salt shaker on him?" Millard ask confused.

"No!" I exclaimed. "Salty just means angry, mean, and rude. That sort of stuff."

"Well yeah, Enoch is salty. Really salty."

Since Milli didn't really understand the 21st century slang, I'm gonna trick him a bit.

"Do you like French fries or hot chips?" (Does anyone understand? No okay French guys and hot chicks) I asked him.

"Well they're the equivalent." He said.

"No they aren't, pick one."

"Fine then. Um... hot chips."

"Yes, you're not gay." I thought.


"Do you think I'm hot." I asked him.

He had a puzzled look on his face. "Is that supposed to compare you to the sun? Nothing is as hot as the sun, not on Earth anyways."

"It means cute, dummy." I said.


"*sigh* b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l."

"Oh well yes, you are the upmost beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes upon."

I smiled. "Well thank you. You have the most wonderful personality I have ever been near, Millard Nullings."

He took a sip of his hot chocolate and the foam was around his mouth, and he smiled, the first time I had ever seen it. It was heart-warming. It really was.

"I love you Y/N." Millard said.

"I love you too Millard."

And then, we kissed. His kisses were usually warm, but the hot choccy made it even warmer. He smeared it on my face too. Then we cuddled a bit, watching and sitting in front of the crackling fire that was before us.


Hope you enjoyed coz I know I did. I know it's really short k.

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