For MissPeculiarChild

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A/N: Earth is your peculiarity btw.


I was sitting in the garden watching these two peanut brains; Victor and Enoch squabbling over me. Emma had her bedroom window open so she could observe properly with Millard and Jake there as well.

"Oi," I called out, "can you three help me?"

"I your wildest dreams." Emma called out.

"I'm serious, help."

"What are they fighting over?" Asked Jacob.

If I tell them, would it be like bragging, I don't know, so I just told them. "Me."

I could see Jake and Emma snickering but I could clearly hear Millard laughing his guts out.

"Hahaha, that's funny Y/N, now tell us, what are they actually fighting over." Millard asked.

I sighed. "It wasn't a joke you coccydynia."

Millard folded his arms and breathed heavily, while Emma and Jacob looked confused. "I am not! You're a ninnyhammer."

"Not as much as you are!" I yelled back.

So he just stalked out of the room.

Anyway, back to the squabbling pair over there.

"Help meeeeeeee! Please!" I pleaded.

"Nope." Said Emma.

"Who's winning?" asked Jacob.

"Unfortunately Enoch." I said back.

"Really? I thought Victor would be winning." Jacob said surprised.

"Oh, no you're thinking of a different fight. This one's an insult fight, not physical."

"Well then yeah, of course Enoch's winning, Victor's a big jellybean." Emma said.

This still, hadn't fixed the problem. So I marched up them and pulled them apart, using my peculiarity of course. I stomped my foot, and a big peace of rock came shooting from the ground between them. Let's just say they got pissed. Oh well, at least the fight didn't turn physical.


Hope you enjoyed. :D

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