For Adeliabowers

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Victor x reader


"Uuuggggghhhhh! Victor!" I yelled.

He bloody stood on my hand again.

"OH MY BIRD!" Victor cried. "I'm so sorry."

I just sat there nursing my hand. "Vic, it's okay."

"No its not, I do that 24/7 to you. How is that okay?" He asked.

"It was just an accident." I said getting up.

I had to get an ice pack. I got up and walked down stairs to the kitchen.

"My goodness Y/N, what happened here?" (it rhymes) asked Miss Peregrine.

"I stepped on her hand," Victor said.

"It looks like you've bashed it with a hammer." Said Enoch looking over from his food.

"Mr O'Conner, that's not going to solve the problem." Miss P scolded him.

He just scoffed.

"Victor, go get an ice pack please, while I rinse Y/N's hand under water." Miss P said again.

Victor got the ice pack prepared, while Miss P gently cleaned my hand from blood.

"I'll have to go get some disinfectant and bandages." She said.

With that, Miss Peregrine stalked away up the stairs.

"I'm sorry love." Victor said.

"It's alright. It's not the end of the world." I said stroking his cheek with my good hand.

Victor looked me right in the eyes and came as close as he could, his face inches from mine. Then suddenly he kissed me. We've done it before, but every time we kiss, it feels like the first time. He wrapped his arms around me and I put my good hand on his neck.

"Ahem." Coughed Enoch. "I'm still here. P.D.A isn't really my thing."

"Oh go play with a dead animal." (Get it? No, okay.) Victor said making me laugh.

"I love you Victor," I said.

"I love you too Y/N." He said back. "But seriously, we should fix your hand, look at it."

I gagged. It was PURPLE.


There you go Adelia hope you liked it. :)

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