I got tagged

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So I was tagged by AlexisS83105 to do 10 facts about me. So umm, yeah. Let's get into it I guess.

1. My favourite animal is a duck.

2. I am 165cm tall (5.4 ft). I don't know if that's tall for my age.

3. I am 14.

4. My birthday is on the 28 of February.

5. My first, middle and last name all have a, e, and b.

6. I am at my nans house while I am righting this and I have no internet so I have to post it later.

7. I have to wear orthotics coz my legs and feet are stuffed up.

8. My favourite colours are gold and green.

9. I am hate all the art teachers at my school coz there all old lady bitchs.

10. I also did these quizzes and I'm Have the peculiarity to talk to animals and I am in Slytherin (pottermore.com check it out)

Now I have to tag these people to do it :





-bye from Gabby

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