The hell?

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There was a picture I found but you cannot understand coz it was blerry so I'm gonna re-write it for you guys. There is swearing, just incase you don't like that, here's the warning. And aslo I know how he actually discovered his peculiarity. Here you go.


So, apparently peculiars have no idea that they're peculiar until they accidently (not in Millard's case) use there peculiarities for the first time.

So, Enoch, the sick little fucker, must've had the thought to take the heart out of one corpse and shove it into another- just because. The fact that he realized he could create life via this method seems like an added bonus. The fuck kind of situation would compel him to (think to) do that.


Hope that made you laugh, at least smirk a tiny bit.

- Gabbbbbbby :D

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