Canvas (H.A)

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This is really bad, but oh well.


Yesterday Hugh and I were having a painting contest, and it got a bit out of hand. ;)

//Flash back\\

"Come on Hugh, you can paint something, even though it wont be that good." I said teasingly.

He just glared at me.

"What do you mean, I'm the best artist in the whole damn world." He said pulling his goggles down sassily.

"Yeah? Prove it then." I said back, flicking my ponytail. (Sorry if you have short hair, just imagine you doing something else sassy.)


He coughed up Percy the bee to copy off. He then whispered something to him, which I could only imagine was to keep still. Percy sat on top of the canvas, while Hugh painted, and might I add Percy was very, very patient.

"Okay, I'm done honey." Hugh said lifting his paint brush up.

I just glared at it. It was shit, absolute shit. I bet if I were to vomit that what it would look like.

I scratched my neck. "Wow... are yeah, its um... pretty good."

"Thank you." Hugh said proudly in-haling Percy.

I sighed. "Hugh, it's actually the most disturbing thing I've ever seen."

He put his finger on his face and acted as if it were a tear. "Well you're a ray of sunshine aren't you?"

"I mustn't tell lies Hugh."

"Well Y/N, you got me on that one." He said picking up a bucket of paint.

"What are you going to do with that?" I asked nervously.

He walked up to me slowly, lifting the bucket up to his chest. So, I started running with Hugh right behind, carrying the bucket. I ran around the house a couple of times, the third, I thought I lost him. However, he had just gone around the other way, knowing my trail. I gave up and sat down puffed out.

"Oh come on, are you giving up already?" Hugh asked. I nodded.

He raised the bucket over my head and tipped it.

I let out an ear-piercing screech. "HUUUUUUUGH!!!"


"I'm gonna KILL you!"

Then he started running.

I stood up and started walking toward the front door, a trail of white footprints behind me.

When I got to the balcony, Horace and a floating newspaper were there.

"I wouldn't go inside like that." Said Horace.

"Yes, you might give her a heart attack." Millard said.

I sighed. "Well what am I supposed to do then?"

"We'll get Hugh to clean you up." Millard offered.

"I'll go get you some new cloths." And with that Horace got up.

Millard left to get Hugh and you sat there by yourself.

*****A few moments later.

"Y/N, I'm sorry." Hugh said walking up the balcony stairs.

I pouted. "Nope. That was mean."

"Come here." He opened his arms for a hug.

I hesitated for a moment, but got up and hugged him back.

"Better?" Hugh asked.


I pulled away and there was a giant mark as to where I had been. I pointed at him laughing.

"Well, I guess I deserved that."


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