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Today the peculiar children felt like staying inside, it was a sunny September 3rd 1940 like always. The children spent too much time out side yesterday, and got badly sunburnt. Miss Peregrine brought out some old board games and some new ones Jacob had brought from the 21st century.

"Alright children" Miss Peregrine said to all the kids that were gathered in the living room. "Today we shall play a couple of board games".

Miss P and Jake sprawled out all the games they could find, and one of them was scrabble.

"How about we play scrabble?" asked Hugh

"Yes, I am quite fond of that particular game." Said Millard.

"Yeah you only like it because you win every bloody time." Enoch said in a huff.

Then Millard just went about spelling the biggest words he could think of, just to annoy Enoch, though.

So all the boys grabbed scrabble and headed toward the shaded balcony. Then they got started.

Jacob headed to the kitchen to get lemonade while the rest played the game.

Horace picked up an 'a'. "I'm just going to make 'a', plain and simple."

Next Enoch chose to put a 't' there, making 'at'.

After that, Hugh picked up an 'r' to make 'rat'. "I hate rats, they're disgusting."

Millard cracked his knuckles.

"Oh here we go, the experts coming in.," said Hugh.

"I will add to your 'rat' to make 'biostratigraphy,'" Millard said being stuck up.

Jacob came back with the drinks.

"UUGH MILLARD I HATE PLAYING WITH YOU!" Enoch said yelling his head off until he was red. Then he flipped the scrabble board in Jacob's direction.

Clash, crash. (And whatever other sound glass and lemonade makes hitting the ground). Lemonade and scrabble pieces were everywhere.

"ENOCH!" said all the boys together. "Look what you did."

"I'm going to tell the bird!" Horace yelled.

"NO!" Enoch said running to catch up to Horace.


There you go. I will make another one later. Hope you liked it.

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