Nope (E.O)

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A/N: Y/N has an elastic body.

Enoch's P.O.V

Y/N and I were chilling in bed just talking and enjoying each other's company until there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I called out.

Miss Peregrine came in with a piece of paper in her hand. "Hello you two. I need Y/N to go get some steak for tonight's tea."

"Alright." Y/N said, and with that, Y/N stretched her arm out and took the paper, Miss P said thank you, and walked out.

"What's that?" I asked gesturing towards the piece of paper in her hand.

"Oh, this?" she said holding it up. "It's a shopping list. I need to get some salmon and steak."

She kissed me on the cheek and left to go get the food.


I left Enoch's room to get the meat Miss Peregrine had written down.

The walk to the butchers was quite lovely. The flowers, apple trees and especially the ocean. I wanted to know what was past that point, but I knew I could never leave to find out.

I reached the butchers and right there was a boy cleaning the bench.

"Hello there." He said with a heavy welsh accent.

"Uh, hi." I said back, and told him what I needed, and he pasted it to me.

"What's and pretty young lady doing out here by yourself."

"I've come to collect these things for my head mistress."

"Oh, so you're from that orphanage." He said disappointingly.

"I wouldn't call it an orphanage, but yeah."

Enoch's P.O.V

No, Y/N forgot her money. I gotta give it to her.

I ran down to the butchers and found her talking to this rich looking boy.

"Y/N here's your money. Who's that." I asked eye balling the boy.

"The butcher's son." She told me. I nodded trying not to get mad.

I gave Y/N the money and stood by her watching. All they did was talk. I felt like strangling him. Maybe taking his heart and adding it in my collection, it would look quite good actually.

"Okay Y/N, enough chitter chatter we gotta go, Miss P will get mad."

She didn't budge.

"Y/N!" I yelled. "Come on!"

Still not moving. Only one solution to this. I walked up to her and kissed her. I loved doing that it made me feel good. She got startled, but started kissing me back . We kissed for ages, making the butcher's son feel uncomfortable- I reached my goal.

"Come on Y/N we gotta go." I said.

She placed the money down and we headed off with our groceries.

"What was that for?" Y/N asked me.

"Why not."

"I think you were jealous. You were weren't you?"

"Nope." I said running up the hill with her stretched arm around my waist.

"Not so fast, dead raiser." She yelled.


Sorry that took so long. I've been working on a few requests. Hope you liked it. :)

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