12 Pranks

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So the Peculiar children had been pranking Miss Peregrine, there headmistress, on the first day of every month for a whole year.

On the 1st of January is when it started. Enoch, yes obviously him, pranked Miss P. With precis timing he did it. When it was 7 o'clock on the dot (when she usually gets up), he got out an air horn and squeezed the trigger right in her ear. She looked like she just jumped out of her skin. Enoch was rolling on the floor laughing so hard it looked like he couldn't breathe.

"Enoch O'Connor!" she yelled at him tiredly, "polite persons do not air horn others awake!"

Yeah, the sweet sound of a prank working.

Obviously, everyone had herd what had happened during breakfast, and they all wanted to join in on the fun, well torture for Miss P. Therefore, Enoch held a peculiar children only meeting in his shared room.

"So I obviously just scared the living day lightS out of Miss P," Enoch explained, "it was hilarious and I should have filmed it."

"I know we should do this every month on the 1st like you did, Enoch," suggested Olive.

Everyone agreed and put a vote in for who would do it in February. It ended up be Y/N. So she came up with a plan and stashed it away for the right day.


Muhaha, guess what it was. Feb the 1st. Time for the second prank.

Y/N got some cling rap and rapped it around the entrance to kitchen, about Miss Peregrine height. She would then yell like something bad had happened to someone and then, voilà la. Cling rap to the face, with a touch of embarrassment. And that's exactly what happened.

"HELP!" Y/N said fake screaming, "QUICKLY."

The sound of heels running down the hall came closer then, THWACK! Miss P stumbled a bit but regained balance and ripped the cling rap from her face.

"Y/N L/N!" she yelled red faced, mostly from the impacted. "What on earth were you doing?"

"It's just a prank bro" Y/N said laughing, "Calm down."

"I am not your bro, I am you headmistress" Miss P said as sternly as she could.

----This is part 1, if you want part 2 and so on, say so! :)

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