12 Pranks (2)

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This is part 2 of the othere part I wrote, enjoy peoples, btw only watch the video if you dont get sceared easly.

Now it was March. This one was classic, but worth it. Hugh came up with it of course. You leave the door open just a crack, put a bucket of freezing water on top. Boom. Instant shower. Or the unwilling ice bucket challenge, whatever you want to call it.

So Hugh set it up at the front door, because Miss Peregrine had gone out to an Ymbryne meeting. This time he set up a camera because, you couldn't stand there watching it would make it obvious. He turned it on and waited.

The sound of the flyscreen door being unlocked came. Then the creaking of the wooden one. Then following that, the sound of gushing water.

"Children" Miss Peregrine said coldly, "come to the hall way immediately."

So all the children came down the stairs snickering.

"Y/N. How many times do I have to tell you." She asked soaking wet.

"Hey, I did my deed already." She said putting her hands up.

"I would hardly call it a deed Miss L/N."

"It was me Miss P." Hugh said getting the camera. "And you just got pranked. Again."

"What is the meaning of this, children. Why do you keep doing these things to me?" Miss Peregrine asked.

"There called pranks." All the kids said together.

"Well stop these pranks. Now."

It was April, which actually makes sense now, but hey. It was also Millard's turn at it. However, since he's invisible, this prank will be easy peasy lemon skweesy. Jump scares all day.

Enoch had a creepy clown mask under his bed, and he gave it to Millard to borrow, just for today. (Idk why he has a mask under his bed).

Millard got ready and planed all the times he would seek up on Miss P. She got out of bed, so Millard was waiting like a lion for a zebra. He put the mask on and bam, he scared her.

"AAAAHHHHHH" Miss Peregrine screamed. "Millard Nullings, do NOT do that again."

Pffft, yeah right. Never do that again my ass.

"Alright" he said with the musk muffling his voice.

Now it was when everyone had done breakfast. He snuck up against the wall as she was coming out.

"AAAAHHHHHH" she screamed again. "Mr Nullings! What did I say this morning?"

"I can't remember, sorry." Millard said clearly lying.

"You are lying. There is hardly anything you do not remember, Mr Nullings." She said sternly.

He only signed and rolled his eyes.

Now it lunch. He walked over to Miss Peregrine, who was making sandwiches. He had striped to scare her. He tiptoed over to where she was and peered to what was around them. He decided to nudge the chopping bored she was chopping tomatoes on. *Nudge*. She jumped backwards and dropped her knife. She looked like she was trying her hardest not to cut him into like slices with her knife.

"Please, Millard, stop." She asked calmly.

"Maybe" is all he said back.

:) Part 3 coming soon, if I can be bothered. I only update so quickly because i've already typed these on Word.

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