Happy Days

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"I'm gonna eat you!" Calum said menacingly to our little toddler. I glanced around the cupboards in the kitchen to look over at the two of them and smiled as I watched Carter squeal and run around the couch, Calum chasing after him slowly. "You can't hide from me!" He roared, a giant smile on his face.

"Momma! Momma help!" Carter pleaded as I tried to get back to dinner preparations. "Momma please!" Carter cried out again, laughing with delight. I wiped my hands on the dish cloth and headed into the living room where I found Calum holding Carter upside down by his legs, pretending to take a bite out of him.

"Calum, don't hold Carter like that." I scolded. Carter just laughed as Calum gently set him down on the couch before coming towards me. Carter rolled off the cushions and bounced up as Calum put his arm around me.

"Hmm, maybe I should eat you for dinner instead." He murmured, kissing my jawline. I have been with him for years yet he still managed to surprise me with his sexual remarks. Calum kissed me heatedly but I could feel Carter tugging on my jeans.

"Don't eat momma!" He begged of Calum. I bent down and picked Carter up, who squirmed a little in my grasp.

"He's not gonna eat me little one." I said, tickling his sides. But the look on Calum's face said otherwise as he bit down on his bottom lip, probably imagining what he wanted to do to me right now in our bedroom.

"Stop making dinner beautiful, we're gonna chow down on this tasty morsel instead." Calum said grabbing Carter's arm and trying to put it in his mouth. Carter squealed again and so I set him down as Calum chased after him. I laughed watching them. How had I gotten so lucky? I had two amazing guys in my life. It couldn't get any better than this.

"Calum stop trying to eat our son and come help me please." I told him.

"Ah but babe. You know I suck in the kitchen." Calum complained.

"Come help me or you won't get dessert tonight." Carter giggled.

"No ice cream for daddy!" He called out. I laughed a little because actual dessert wasn't what I had in mind and Calum understood this as I crossed my arms and gave him a pointed look.

"Well if you put it like that.." Calum murmured. "Hey bud, think you can entertain yourself for a little bit? I don't want Momma to take away my dessert privileges." Calum smirked up at me and I rolled my eyes. Carter began to nod vigorously before rushing down the hallway and into his room. I watched Calum straighten up and shake out his shoulders, moving towards the kitchen. "Sorry beautiful. I just miss seeing the kid."

"I know." I said softly, touching his cheek lightly as he leaned on the kitchen counter. "And I'm sorry but the sooner we finish with dinner preparations, the sooner you can go back to pretending to eat him." Carter ran into the kitchen, clutching a book in his hands which he immediately tried to shove into Calum's.

"Auntie Maria gave me this. She said I'm reading more better than everyone else." Calum chuckled a little, looking over the small chapter book he had been handed. I frowned a little. Maria was always giving Carter gifts like that. Books, toys, art supplies. She was already letting our son go to her daycare for free, she didn't have to buy him gifts too.

"I think you need to work on your reading skills a little more there honey, go sit on the couch and read okay." I told Carter who smiled broadly and took the book back as Calum held it out for him. Calum laughed a little as I handed him the knife to chop vegetables before going back to seasoning the meat on the other cutting board.

"I can't believe how smart Carter is." Calum says lightly. "I wasn't reading at that age. I was more obsessed with dinosaurs than anything else." I laughed.

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