Epilogue: A Brand New Start

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A month later

"Calum!" I shout louder than anticipated.

"Lily?" He calls back frantically before I hear him rushing down the hallway and into our room. I'm in the bathroom and the door is closed but he's able to open it because it's unlocked. "What? What's..." He asks before he realizes what I'm holding in my hands. A pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test but he doesn't know that yet. "Holy shit... Lily." He breaths out.

"It's positive." I whisper.

"It's positive!" He shouts.

"It's positive." I confirm, showing it to him. Calum laughs before stepping farther into the room and kissing me hard and before I can stop him he lifts me off the ground, hugging me to him tightly. I laugh, trying not to drop the pregnancy test.

"We're gonna have another baby!" He exclaims, setting me down. "I can't believe it!" I snort.

"What's not to believe? You knew I'd gone off the pill when we were having the most epic fight of our lives." Calum rolls his eyes playfully. He kind of hates how I refer to our fight like that, as if it was some giant space battle in Star Wars.

"Okay well I wasn't really thinking about that when I was fucking you in the shower or after we made up." I grinned and kissed him lightly.

"No, I wasn't thinking about it either." I glance at the test in my hands with a small smile. "I was better at recognizing the signs this time." Calum puts his arm around my shoulders.

"As soon as you threw up this morning I knew something was wrong. You love my eggs. You wouldn't throw them up willingly."

"You're right, I still don't understand why you're so good at making scrambled eggs and like literally nothing else." I said with a shake of my head, moving back into the bathroom so I could put the pregnancy test in the trash. I know of some crazy suburban women who keep their pregnancy tests like a memento, to remember the moment but fuck... The baby is going to be enough of a memento isn't it?

"We all gotta be good at cooking something. My specialty is eggs." I wrinkle my nose.

"Is this your subtle way of saying I'm a bad cook?" Calum laughs.

"No babe, I would never say that." He's grinning like the devil and I open my mouth to argue with him some more when Carter steps into the room, looking positively pissed that his playtime with Calum was interrupted.

"Why are ya yellin momma?" He complained. "Daddy and I were playing." I laugh a little and move to pick him up.

"Hey baby, how would you feel about becoming an older brother?" Carter looked at me funny.

"An older brother?" He asked.

"You know how your best friend Hazel has a baby brother?" Calum asked. Carter nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, how would you like to have a baby sibling too?" Carter slowly smiled.

"You're havin a baby momma!" Thank god he was having a good reaction, some kids get so defensive. I sighed in relief and nodded.

"Yes, I'm going to have a baby."

"Whoppie!" Carter exclaimed. "When's he coming? When can I play with them? How old will he be when he comes out?" I started to laugh at all of Carter's questions.

"Hey buddy, we don't know if it's going to be a He or not. It could be a girl." Calum says touching my stomach lightly while also ruffling Carter's hair.

"Will they like me though? Will they want to play with me?" Carter badgered.

"Of course they'll like you honey. You just have to be nice to them. They're going to be very small when they come out okay? And they're going to cry a lot and want a lot of attention so we'll all have to take care of them." Carter began to frown.

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