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"Where are you going?" Calum asked almost suspiciously. I eyed him funny. We had literally talked about this last night.

"I'm meeting up with Maria, Jackie, Kenzie and Katie. We talked about this last night." Calum pursed his lips, thinking. I sighed. He was forgetting a lot of things lately and I didn't understand why.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? You just... I mean your job and everything." Calum said lightly. He had said the same thing yesterday. I don't know why he kept trying to talk me out of it. It wasn't like him.

"Like I said yesterday, the girls want me to get out of the house. It'll just be the five of us, like high school. They want to try to make me feel better about loosing my job."

"You don't know that you've lost it. Delores said you're in limbo." I ran the comb through my hair again with a sigh. Limbo was like purgatory. Purgatory was one step to hell, one step to heaven and right now, I had the feeling I was closer to being fired than kept on. It was Friday now and Delores still hadn't called me. If she didn't call by tomorrow, if she didn't call me on Carter's birthday then I was more than likely going to be fired. Nobody would wait this long to tell you you're not fired. They were probably trying to find a replacement for me as we speak.

"I don't know Calum and honestly, I don't want to think about it right now. It's been consuming my mind for four days straight. I want to just forget about it. For just tonight at least." I reply, looking back at him. Calum tugs his tie off and sighs. "I defrosted some meat for dinner. It's chicken."

"Okay, I'll think of something." He murmurs.

"Jackie is coming to pick me up so I won't be taking my car. Then we're driving over to Maria's house." He nods.

"Yeah, I think I remember you saying that yesterday." I head to the bathroom and quickly finish putting my makeup on. It's nothing fancy, just the basics. I hadn't really put on makeup at all this week. I hadn't gone to work so I didn't need to look as nice.

"You don't have work tomorrow right. It's Carter's birthday."

"I know and no, I don't." Calum said as I turned off the bathroom light and walked back into the room. He was changing out of his work clothes slowly. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him lightly, his hands on my hips.

"I love you. I'll see you soon okay?" He nods. "We're just drinking wine, catching up and watching movies so if you want me to come home if Carter becomes too much of a handful, I'll come home." He shakes his head and kisses my hair.

"No, stay out with your friends. We'll be fine."

"Well you look tired from work so I don't want you to overexert yourself." He smirked a little.

"You never feel that way when you want to have sex with me." I rolled my eyes and hit his chest lightly, letting go of him. "I'm just saying." I laugh a little and grab up my purse as Carter comes into our room, flying his toy airplane around and making sound effects for it.

"Are ya leaving momma?" Carter asked, watching me put on my shoes.

"Yes I am sweetheart. You're going to be a good little boy for daddy right? You'll listen when he tells you to do something?" Carter nods vigorously. "You'll eat all your vegetables?" Carter looked anxiously over at Calum who chuckled.

"Will ya little man?" Carter pouts but nods again.

"Good. Don't cause too much trouble for him okay? Daddy's tired."

"Daddy always tired." Carter said huffily. Which is true. Calum has been unusually tired lately. I kissed his cheek before I straightened up and ruffled his hair.

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