Broken Promises

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Delores was calling me. Mrs. Alvarez was calling me. My boss was calling me. And I almost didn't want to answer it. If I answered it, I could really be fired from my job. I had to answer though. I hit the green call button and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" God I sounded so pathetic.

"Hello Lily." She said my name. What did that mean? Was she trying to break the news to me lightly?

"Hello Mrs. Alvarez."

"I called to talk to you about your job here at the museum." Of course, why else would she call? "I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that the scroll suffered little damage from the coffee, thanks to your quick thinking." I exhaled slowly.

"That's a relief." I said. And it was a relief. Before everything else, I was a mother but right behind that was the Curator in me. Watching artifacts get damaged or destroyed was painful to me. I  was glad to hear that the destruction the coffee tried to cause had been mostly undone.

"More importantly, I've decided not to fire you Lily."

"Really?" I breathed out. "I was sure that.." I paused. "I mean it's been almost five days." I wanted to crumple to the floor in relief. I still had my job! I still had my job! I still had my job!

"I'm sorry for not calling sooner. Everyone was working diligently to restore the scroll and I didn't want to decide your fate until most of the damage had been reversed." That must mean that Nancy, George and Kelly worked tirelessly to help me get my job back. I could just about cry.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Alvarez. You don't know what this means to me." I told her truthfully. "I love working there and I really couldn't imagine being anywhere else."

"I just want to make myself clear though Mrs. Hood. If something like this happens again, there will be no seconds chances." I nodded vigorously, even though she couldn't see that. I understood. I completely understood. No more eating and drinking at work, well at least no more eating and drinking down in the Artifact Room, and I would not set even a toe out of line. I was going to follow all museum rules.

"No, of course Mrs. Alvarez. I understand. I'm just so grateful right now. Thank you." I paused. I had to ask about Jillian. Was she going to rehire her as well? "Mrs. Alvarez, is Jillian... I mean, she's a really sweet girl and I know she didn't mean to.. The coffee wasn't entirely..." It wasn't her fault. It was mine, I did spill it after all.

"I know but... I'm not going to rehire her Mrs. Hood, not after that. I'm sorry." My shoulders slumped a little. I wanted to keep backing up Jillian. She was a good girl. We were both at fault here and it didn't seem right that she was facing such harsh consequences when I got off a little easy. "Well Mrs Hood, please come in bright and early Monday morning. I've decided to not put you down in the Artifact Room for a while so we'll make some adjustments to everyone's schedules which we'll talk about in our weekly Wednesday meetings."

"Sounds good!" I said brightly, trying not to sound too enthusiastic but failing.

"I'll see you then Lily and tell that little boy of yours happy birthday for me." I smiled.

"I will, thank you so much Mrs, Alvarez." We said goodbye and hung up. I was so excited I felt like dancing and crying and jumping around and screaming. I only managed to start excitedly jumping up and down, squealing a little before Carter looked over at me.

"What's the matter Momma?" He asked, confused by my behavior. I rushed over to him and dropped to the floor, pulling him into a hug. "Ack! Momma!" He complained as I crushed his tiny frame a little.

"I'm sorry baby! Mommy just got some great news." I said, pulling back. Carter smiled happily.

"What? What? What? Is it about daddy?" I laughed.

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