Something Old

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Four Years Previously

"Jackie I swear to god, give me the flask. I know you have it." Jackie scowled at me and clutched her purse tighter to her chest.

"No! You are not getting any alcohol. Stop being so nervous! You have nothing to worry about." She shouted back at me as Maria, Kenzie and Katie rolled their eyes at us.

"I just want a sip!" I complained. "Come on, What is it? I'm not pregnant anymore I can drink alcohol you asshole." I said, hiking up my dress and beginning to chase her around the rather small prep room. It was actually just the priests office we had taken over. He had allowed us to wait in here since Calum wasn't supposed to see the bride before the wedding, and neither was anyone else really for that matter but it hardly looked like a church office anymore. My friends clothes cluttered the floor, makeup bags, brushes and pallets were on every flat surface and the air smelled of perfume and flowers.

"Girls, please." My Mom said, still diligently hemming my veil that I had so stupidly torn while getting out of the limo upon our arrival. "Jackie, give her some of your vodka  to calm her nerves and Lily, stop running around in your dress before you tear something else."

"Yeah Lil' it's not smart. We only have an hour until those bells being to ring." Ella reminded me, trying to calm my fussy son. My mom had brought Carter in here with her while she fixed my veil and while I was more than willing to hold him, Ella scooped him up out of my arms before saying, "What if he throws up or spits up on you? No. I'll hold him. At least I can wear a shawl or something over my dress." Jackie huffed and rummaged through her purse before handing me the blinged out flask she had brought.

"Momma Carson, you shouldn't be so willing to let your daughter have alcohol." I rolled my eyes a little, putting the bottle to my lips and tipping my head back. It wasn't vodka actually. I think it was Jack Daniel's but I drank it anyways. I couldn't explain why I was nervous, I just was. I wanted everything to go perfectly.

"I was the one who offered both of you alcohol at fifteen Jackie. I know you're both responsible adults now so it shouldn't matter." She said, tucking her hair behind her ear before standing and brushing out my veil. "Alright sweetie, here we go." I handed the flask back to Jackie who started to complain because I didn't screw the cap back on myself. I met my mom halfway and leaned down a little so she could securely pin my veil to my hair. "There, perfect." She murmured, touching my cheek lightly. I smiled brightly.

"Thank you mom. None of us know how to fix lace so I'm glad you did."

"Moms know how to do everything." She replied, waving me away. I pursed my lips a little. I wasn't so sure about that. Carter was going to turn one in a couple of months and I felt completely lost all the time when it came to caring for him. My mom followed my gaze.

"The first kid is always the hardest Lily. Your father and I weren't that much older than you and Calum when we had your brother and I think he turned out alright." I make a face at Ella and her and my mom laughs.

"I love Carter, I really do. I just wish I had been a bit older when we had him. I didn't think I would have a kid by the end of my senior year in college." I said walking towards Ella and Carter who immediately perked up at the sight of me. I gently took him out of Ella's arms as Charlotte came over and dropped a towel over my shoulder so if he did spit up on me, it at least wouldn't get on the dress.

"Well it may have been unexpected." Charlotte began, "But he's completely adorable and has really livened up all of our get togethers." She finished, her voice sing-songing as she lets Carter grab her fingers. He giggled and I smiled, rubbing his back. She was right of course. Once I had Carter, Calum and I stopped going out with our friends as much, which they thought was completely unacceptable. So instead, they'd bring the party to us. Lance, Charlotte, Mike, my brother, Ella, Calum, Carter and I would hang out in the living room (while the four of us were still living together that is) and it was fun. Carter got all the attention he wanted and we got to see our friends.

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